ActiproSoftware.Windows.Input Namespace
CompositeCommand | Defines a single ICommand that is a collection of multiple ICommand instances acting together. |
DelegateCommand<T> | Provides an ICommand implementation based on delegates. |
InputAdapter | Watches a UIElement for various input-related events and publishes them in a platform agnostic way. |
InputDoubleTappedEventArgs | Provides event data for pointer-based double-tap events. |
InputKeyEventArgs | Provides event data for key-based input events. |
InputMouseWheelEventArgs | Event arguments that represent a wrapped MouseWheelEventArgs, for testing and mocking. |
InputMouseWheelFrame | Event arguments that represent a wrapped MouseWheelEventArgs, for testing and mocking. |
InputPointerButtonEventArgs | Provides event data for pointer button input events. |
InputPointerEventArgs | Provides event data for pointer-based input events. |
InputPointerWheelEventArgs | Provides event data for pointer wheel input events. |
InputSourceEventArgs | An EventArgs with additional information about input events. |
InputTappedEventArgs | Provides event data for pointer-based tap events. |
InputTouchEventArgs | Event arguments that represent a wrapped TouchEventArgs, for testing and mocking. |
MouseWheelBinding | Binds a MouseWheelGesture to a RoutedCommand (or another ICommand implementation). |
MouseWheelGesture | Defines a mouse wheel input gesture that can be used to invoke a command. |
MouseWheelGestureConverter | Converts a MouseWheelGesture object to and from other types |
MouseWheelGestureValueSerializer | Converts instances of string to and from instances of MouseWheelGesture. |
PreviewableCompositeCommand | Provides an IPreviewableCommand implementation of CompositeCommand. |
PreviewableDelegateCommand<T> | Provides an IPreviewableCommand implementation based on delegates. |
IInputMouseWheelFrame | Provides the base requirements for a mouse wheel input frame. |
IInputSource | Interface for a source of input events. |
IInputTouchDevice | Interface for a touch device. |
IInputTouchFrame | Interface containing event data for TouchFrameReported event. |
IInputTouchPoint | Interface for a single touch point. |
IPreviewableCommand | Provides the base requirements for an ICommand that supports previewing command results without actually committing them. |
InputAdapterEventKinds | Specifies the kinds of events that an InputAdapter can track. |
InputDeviceKind | Specifies the kind of input device. |
InputPointerButtonKind | Specifies the kind of input pointer button. |
MouseWheelAction | Specifies the various mouse wheel actions supported by MouseWheelGesture. |