In This Article

StoryboardTransitionBase Class

A base class for a Storyboard-based transition between two elements.

public abstract class StoryboardTransitionBase : Transition, ICloneable
object Transition object
BarWipeTransition BarnDoorWipeTransition BoxWipeTransition FadeTransition FadedZoomTransition FourBoxWipeTransition SlideTransition StoryboardTransition WedgeWipeTransition



Initializes an instance of the class.

protected StoryboardTransitionBase()


GetFromContentStoryboard(TransitionPresenter, FrameworkElement)

Returns the Storyboard to apply to the "from" content.

protected virtual Storyboard GetFromContentStoryboard(TransitionPresenter presenter, FrameworkElement content)
Parameter Type Description
presenter TransitionPresenter

The TransitionPresenter that is managing the transition.

content FrameworkElement

The element requesting a Style.



The Storyboard to apply to the "from" content.

GetFromContentStyle(TransitionPresenter, FrameworkElement)

Returns the Style to apply to the "from" content during the transition.

protected virtual Style GetFromContentStyle(TransitionPresenter presenter, FrameworkElement content)
Parameter Type Description
presenter TransitionPresenter

The TransitionPresenter that is managing the transition.

content FrameworkElement

The element requesting a Style.



The Style to apply to the "from" content during the transition.

GetFromContentStyle(TransitionPresenter, FrameworkElement, FrameworkElement)

Returns the Style to apply to the "from" content during the transition.

protected virtual Style GetFromContentStyle(TransitionPresenter presenter, FrameworkElement fromContent, FrameworkElement toContent)
Parameter Type Description
presenter TransitionPresenter

The TransitionPresenter that is managing the transition.

fromContent FrameworkElement

The element requesting a Style.

toContent FrameworkElement

The element to which a transition is occurring.



The Style to apply to the "from" content during the transition.

GetToContentStoryboard(TransitionPresenter, FrameworkElement)

Returns the Storyboard to apply to the "to" content.

protected virtual Storyboard GetToContentStoryboard(TransitionPresenter presenter, FrameworkElement content)
Parameter Type Description
presenter TransitionPresenter

The TransitionPresenter that is managing the transition.

content FrameworkElement

The element requesting a Style.



The Storyboard to apply to the "to" content.

GetToContentStyle(TransitionPresenter, FrameworkElement)

Returns the Style to apply to the "to" content during the transition.

protected virtual Style GetToContentStyle(TransitionPresenter presenter, FrameworkElement content)
Parameter Type Description
presenter TransitionPresenter

The TransitionPresenter that is managing the transition.

content FrameworkElement

The element requesting a Style.



The Style to apply to the "to" content during the transition.

GetToContentStyle(TransitionPresenter, FrameworkElement, FrameworkElement)

Returns the Style to apply to the "to" content during the transition.

protected virtual Style GetToContentStyle(TransitionPresenter presenter, FrameworkElement toContent, FrameworkElement fromContent)
Parameter Type Description
presenter TransitionPresenter

The TransitionPresenter that is managing the transition.

toContent FrameworkElement

The element requesting a Style.

fromContent FrameworkElement

The element from which a transition is occurring.



The Style to apply to the "to" content during the transition.

OnCompleted(TransitionPresenter, FrameworkElement, object, FrameworkElement, object)

Occurs when the transition has completed.

protected override void OnCompleted(TransitionPresenter presenter, FrameworkElement fromContent, object fromContentData, FrameworkElement toContent, object toContentData)
Parameter Type Description
presenter TransitionPresenter

The TransitionPresenter that is managing the transition.

fromContent FrameworkElement

The element from which a transition is occurring.

fromContentData object

Optional data related to the "from" element.

toContent FrameworkElement

The element to which a transition is occurring.

toContentData object

Optional data related to the "to" element.


Place code to perform any post-transition cleanup in an override of this method.

OnStarted(TransitionPresenter, FrameworkElement, FrameworkElement)

Occurs when the transition should be started.

protected override void OnStarted(TransitionPresenter presenter, FrameworkElement fromContent, FrameworkElement toContent)
Parameter Type Description
presenter TransitionPresenter

The TransitionPresenter that is managing the transition.

fromContent FrameworkElement

The element from which a transition is occurring.

toContent FrameworkElement

The element to which a transition is occurring.


Place code to perform the transition in an override of this method.

Inherited Members