In This Article

Label and Key Tip Generation

Many controls have Key, Label, and KeyTipText properties. Since these properties are closely related, controls can auto-generate a Label value based on the Key if no other Label has been explicitly set. Likewise, a KeyTipText value can be auto-generated from a Label if no other KeyTipText has been expicitly set.

Other contextual values (like certain ICommand types) can also be used when auto-generating property values.

This time-saving feature helps reduce the need to specify many Label and KeyTipText values, except in scenarios where a customized value is necessary!


The optional MVVM Library defines multiple view models that utilize implementations of the same ILabelGenerator and IKeyTipTextGenerator interfaces to auto-generate property values that are not explicitly passed to an object's constructor, so this time-saving feature is available for MVVM configurations, too! See the MVVM Support topic for additional details on the MVVM Library.


Label and KeyTipText are UI-based properties that may need to be localized, but the Key property value should not be localized. See the "Localization" section below for additional details.

Label Generation

Label generation is defined by the ILabelGenerator interface with several convenience methods that can be used to automatically generate a label from various contexts. This interface is implemented by the LabelGenerator class, and an instance of this class is accessible, by default, from the static BarControlService.LabelGenerator property.

The BarControlService.LabelGenerator property can also be set to a custom implementation of ILabelGenerator to extend or replace the default capabilities.

Label from Key

The default LabelGenerator.FromKey method implementation will analyze a given Key to determine the best label. Supported key values must only contain upper- or lower-ASCII letters A-Z, digits 0-9, underscore (_), or hypen (-). Any other characters in the key will result in a null value being returned.

When generating a label, the Key must be split into individual words using either word break characters or changes in character casing.

Word Break Characters

Any Key that includes an underscore (_) or hypen (-) will treat those characters as word breaks and the actual word break character is ignored. Individual words are always converted to "Title Case" and separated with spaces to form the final label.

For example, the Key value "font-settings" or "FONT_SETTINGS" will both generate the Label value "Font Settings".

Character Casing

Any Key without word break characters will use either "PascalCase" or "camelCase" conventions to recognize words based on changes in character casing.

For example, the Key values "OpenFile" or "openFile" will recognize the words "Open" and "File".

Exception for the first word in "camelCase", all recognized words will use the casing of the original word without converting to "Title Case", so the Key value "ExportToXML" will generate the label "Export To XML" with the original acronym casing unchanged.


A limitation of "camelCase" is that the casing of the leading word is ambiguous between words and acrynoyms (e.g., "toUpper" vs. "ioException"), so the first word will always be converted to "Title Case". For this reason, "PascalCase" is recommended instead.

Label from Command

The default LabelGenerator.FromCommand method implementation will analyze an ICommand to determine the best label.

  • The ApplicationCommands.NotACommand command is ignored and will always return a value of null.
  • Any other RoutedUICommand will use the RoutedUICommand.Text property as the label.
  • Any RoutedCommand will use the RoutedCommand.Name property as the label.

A value of null will be returned if a label could not be determined from the command.

Key Tip Generation

Key tip generation is defined by the IKeyTipTextGenerator interface with several convenience methods that can be used to automatically generate key tip text from various contexts. This interface is implemented by the KeyTipTextGenerator class, and an instance of this class is accessible, by default, from the static BarControlService.KeyTipTextGenerator property.

The BarControlService.KeyTipTextGenerator property can also be set to a custom implementation of IKeyTipTextGenerator to extend or replace the default capabilities.

Key Tip from Label

The default KeyTipTextGenerator.FromLabel method implementation will analyze a string label to determine the best key tip text. The label is analyzed against multiple rules (in the order listed below) and the first matching rule, if any, will determine the key tip text. A value of null will be returned if a matching rule is not found.

Rule Description
Leading digits Any label that begins with 1 or 2 digits will use those digits as the key tip text. For example, the label "10 Column Layout" will use "10" as the key tip text.
Significant word upper-case or digit Any significant word (three or more characters) that starts with an upper-case letter or digit will use the leading character as the key tip text. For example, the label "Go To Line" will use "L" as the key tip text. Even though other words start with upper-case letters, "Line" is the first significant word.
Significant word lower-case Any significant word (three or more characters) that starts with a lower-case letter will use the leading character as the key tip text. For example, the label "My documents" will use "D" as the key tip text. Even though "My" starts with an upper-case letter, "documents" is the more significant word by length.
Any word upper-case or digit Any word that starts with an upper-case letter or digit will use the leading character as the key tip text. For example, the label "go to End" will use "E" as the key tip text.
Any word lower-case Any word that starts with a lower-case letter will use the leading character as the key tip text. For example, the label "go up" will use "G" as the key tip text.
Everything else No key tip text is recognized and null will be returned.

In the list of rules above, regular expressions are used to locate "words" where \b defines a word boundary and the \w character class defines the characters recognized as part of a word. Upper-case and lower-case letters are defined by Unicode categories Lu and Ll, respectively. Digits are defined by the \d character class.

Key Tip from KeyGesture

The default KeyTipTextGenerator.FromKeyGesture method implementation will analyze a KeyGesture to determine the best key tip text.

If the KeyGesture.Key property defines a Key whose string representation is a single letter, that letter will be used as the key tip text. For example, the KeyGesture for Ctrl+V (commonly used for the paste command), would return "V" as the key tip text.

A value of null will be returned if a value for key tip text could not be determined from the KeyGesture.

Key Tip from Command

The default KeyTipTextGenerator.FromCommand method implementation will analyze an ICommand to determine the best key tip text.

If the ICommand is a RoutedCommand, the RoutedCommand.InputGestures collection will be queried for gestures of type KeyGesture. The first KeyGesture that returns a non-null value when passed to KeyTipTextGenerator.FromKeyGesture will be used as the key tip text.

A value of null will be returned if a value for key tip text could not be determined from the ICommand.


The most common scenario for the automatic generation of labels and key tip texts is to auto-generate a label from a given key and then use the resulting label to auto-generate the key tip text. Since the key should not be localized, the default implementation of auto-generated values cannot be used when localized labels or key tip texts are required. In this scenario, a custom implementation of ILabelGenerator and/or IKeyTipTextGenerator can be used.

Localizing Label Generation

Most localization will only need to customize the label that is auto-generated from a key since the key tip generator will use the localized label when auto-generating the key tip text.

The following steps can be used to implement localized label generation:

  1. Create a new class that derives from LabelGenerator.
  2. Override the LabelGenerator.FromKey method to return a localized label for the given key.
  3. Optionally override the LabelGenerator.FromCommand method to return a localized label for the given command. This is only necessary if the RoutedUICommand.Text or RoutedCommand.Name properties are not already localized.
  4. During application startup before any UI is initialized, set the BarControlService.LabelGenerator property to an instance of the custom class.

As an alternative to deriving from the LabelGenerator class, a custom class can also fully implement the ILabelGenerator interface instead.

Localizing Key Tip Generation

While typically not required, localization may also be necessary when auto-generating key tip text from a label.

The following steps can be used to implement localized key tip generation:

  1. Create a new class that derives from KeyTipTextGenerator.
  2. Override the KeyTipTextGenerator.FromLabel method to return a localized key tip text for the given label.
  3. Optionally override the KeyTipTextGenerator.FromCommand method to return a localized key tip text for the given command. This is only necessary if key tip text cannot be auto-generated from a KeyGesture defined within RoutedCommand.InputGestures.
  4. During application startup before any UI is initialized, set the BarControlService.KeyTipTextGenerator property to an instance of the custom class.

As an alternative to deriving from the KeyTipTextGenerator class, a custom class can also fully implement the IKeyTipTextGenerator interface instead.