In This Article


Headings are simplistic controls that render a text heading.


This topic extends the Control Basics topic with additional information specific to the control types described below. Please refer to the base topic for more generalized concepts that apply to all controls, including this one.

Control Implementations

There are separate separator concept control implementations based on the usage context.

Ribbon and Toolbar Contexts

Headings are not available in ribbon and toolbar contexts.

Use the BarMenuHeading control to implement a heading within a menu context.


A heading at the top of a menu

Specification Details
Base class Native MenuItem.
Has key No.
Has label Yes, via the Label property.
Has image No.
Has popup No.
Is checkable No.
Variant sizes None.
Command support None.
Key tip support None.
Ribbon QAT support None.
UI density support None.
MVVM Library VM BarHeadingViewModel class.
	<bars:BarHeading Label="Clipboard Operations" />
	<bars:BarMenuItem Key="Cut" />
	<bars:BarMenuItem Key="Copy" />
	<bars:BarMenuItem Key="Paste" />

MVVM Support

The optional companion MVVM Library defines a BarHeadingViewModel class that is intended to be used as a view model for headings.

This view model class maps over to the appropriate view controls described above based on usage context and configure all necessary bindings between the view models and the view controls.


See the MVVM Support topic for more information on how to use the library's view models and view templates to create and manage your application's bars controls with MVVM techniques.