In This Article

Converting to v19.1

The 19.1 version made some large updates and improvements to the SyntaxEditor product for better cross-platform support. The infrastructure changes required some breaking changes and some API cleanup was performed at the same time. This enables the products to stay in sync more easily moving forward.

A number of new feature areas were added, described in the Sample Browser's Release History.

This documentation topic lists specifics on the breaking changes that were made and how to handle them.

New Feature Details

Many new features were added in the 19.1 version. Please see the "Release History" in the Sample Browser for a list of all new features.

Highlighting Style Changes

To simplify the highlighting style API and make it more cross-platform compatible, brushes have been replaced by color values. Some light refactoring of naming was made for better compatibility with XAML terminology.

Brushes Replaced by Colors

The IHighlightingStyle.BorderBrush, StrikethroughBrush, and UnderlineBrush properties were renamed to IHighlightingStyle.BorderColor, StrikethroughColor, and UnderlineColor respectively. The Brush property values were replaced by Color.

Highlighting Style Viewer QuickStart Updated

The "Highlighting Style Viewer" QuickStart has been updated to use controls for editing Color values instead of the previously-used Brush values in highlighting styles. Please reference the updated QuickStart when migrating any similar dialogs in your own apps.

Enumeration Changes

The new cross-platform rendering framework used by SyntaxEditor has LineKind and TextLineWeight enumerations, both defined in the Shared Library. The HighlightingStyleLineStyle enumeration was replaced with LineKind. Please use the LineKind.None value in scenarios where HighlightingStyleLineStyle.Default was previously used. Likewise, the HighlightingStyleLineWeight enumeration was replaced with TextLineWeight.

The IHighlightingStyle.BorderStyle, StrikethroughStyle, and UnderlineStyle properties were renamed to IHighlightingStyle.BorderKind, StrikethroughKind, and UnderlineKind respectively and updated to use the LineKind property.

The HighlightingStyleBorderCornerStyle enumeration was renamed to HighlightingStyleBorderCornerKind, and the SinglePixelRounded value was renamed to Rounded. The IHighlightingStyle.BorderCornerStyle property was renamed to IHighlightingStyle.BorderCornerKind.

Selection and Caret Changes

The caret is always at the "end" of an editor view selection. Prior SyntaxEditor versions had a single selection, but the 19.1 version allows multiple selections.

Caret Object Removed

The SyntaxEditor.Caret property has been removed and caret location-related information is now available via the selection API.

The SyntaxEditor.Caret.CharacterColumn, DisplayCharacterColumn, Offset, and Position properties have moved to the IEditorViewSelection.CaretCharacterColumn, the CaretDisplayCharacterColumn, the CaretOffset, and the CaretPosition properties respectively, accessible via editor.ActiveView.Selection.

The properties above return the primary selection/caret's information. Multiple selections can be enumerated via the view's IEditorViewSelection.Ranges collection property. There is one entry for each selection within that collection, and the entries give the position ranges of the selections. The "end" position is where the caret is for each selection.

The SyntaxEditor.Caret.BlinkInterval, InsertStyle, InsertWidth, OverwriteStyle, and OverwriteWidth properties have moved to the SyntaxEditor.CaretBlinkInterval, the CaretInsertKind, the CaretInsertWidth, the CaretOverwriteKind, and the CaretOverwriteWidth properties respectively,

The CaretStyle enumeration was renamed to CaretKind for better compatibility with XAML terminology.

Selection Changes for Multiple Selections

The IEditorViewSelection.PreferredHorizontalLocation property was changed to a IEditorViewSelection.GetPreferredCaretHorizontalLocations method. The IEditorViewSelection.SelectRange method overloads that take an "updatePreferredHorizontalLocation" parameter have been removed since this information is pulled on-demand now based on IEditorViewSelection.CreateBatch method options.

The IEditorViewSelection.GetCharacterIndexRanges method was removed. Use the IEditorView.GetCharacterIndexRanges method instead, which has had its "allowWholeLines" parameter removed.

Selection Changes for Batches

A new IEditorViewSelection.CreateBatch method has been added that allows for passing options and grouping multiple selection changes into a single transaction.

The IEditorView.ScrollToCaretOnSelectionChange property was removed. A batch option for preventing scroll-to-caret can be specified when creating a batch.

The new IEditorViewSelection.CreateBatch method can wrap multiple selection changes to ensure that only one selection change event occurs, as the outermost batch is completed. Related to this, the old IEditorView.AreSelectionEventsSuspended, ResumeSelectionEvents, and SuspendSelectionEvents members have been removed.

Text Change Selections

The ITextChange.SelectionPositionRange property was replaced with ITextChange.PreSelectionPositionRanges and PostSelectionPositionRanges properties that store the selections for the active view before/after the text change is applied.

The IUndoableTextChange.SelectionPositionRange and PostSelectionPositionRange properties were replaced with IUndoableTextChange.PreSelectionPositionRanges and PostSelectionPositionRanges properties that store the selections for the active view before/after the text change is applied.

The UndoHistory.ApplySelectionPositionRange method was removed and can be replaced by setting the ITextChange.PostSelectionPositionRanges property directly.

Event Arguments

The EditorViewSelectionEventArgs.LastCaretPosition property was renamed to EditorViewSelectionEventArgs.PreviousCaretPosition.

IntelliPrompt Changes

For improving the clarity of the property result, the CommonImage enumeration was renamed to CommonImageKind, and the CommonImageSourceProvider.ImageType property was renamed to CommonImageSourceProvider.ImageKind.

The QuickInfoProviderBase.CanTrackMouseInput property was renamed to QuickInfoProviderBase.CanTrackPointerInput.

The ICompletionItemCollection interface was updated to implement INotifyCollectionChanged.

The ICompletionFilter.Filter method and the CompletionFilterPredicate delegate were updated to use a new CompletionFilterResult enumeration so that the intended result is clearer.

Quick Info and Parameter Info Theme Support

Quick info and parameter info tips now render their backgrounds based on the current theme. In particular, when the application is in a Metro Dark theme, the info tips will now have a dark background. This allows images on the info tips to render better. New AssetResourceKeys.IntelliPromptToolTip* brush resources are used for the theme-oriented info tips.

To support this change, it is recommended that foreground colors used in Content Providers are based on the current theme in the SyntaxEditor control (assuming SyntaxEditor is rendering in a theme similar to the application theme), or at least are set to render well in the current application theme.

The HtmlContentProvider class has several static properties for common foreground colors such as neutral, comment, keyword, and type names. These properties access the related classification type entries in the ambient highlighting style registry and return the foreground color.

Adornments Changes

Change Reasons

A new AdornmentChangeReason enumeration has been added, allowing add/remove adornment calls to indicate the reason behind the change.

The IAdornmentLayer.AddAdornment, RemoveAdornment, RemoveAdornments, and RemoveAllAdornments methods have all been updated with a reason parameter.

The IntraTextAdornmentManagerBase<T, U> and DecorationAdornmentManagerBase<T, U>'s AddAdornment methods were updated with a reason parameter.

Adornment View Line Associations

The IAdornmentLayer.AddAdornment overload that accepts a snapshot range has been updated with a new ITextViewLine parameter that can be specified if the adornment is associated with a certain view line. The value flows into the new IAdornment.ViewLine property.

Element-Based and Draw-Based Adornments

When updating how SyntaxEditor renders itself to support the same codebase across multiple platforms (WPF, UWP, and WinForms), we had to alter how adornments render. Most of our pre-defined adornments now use a new draw-based mechanism where they render themselves in the rendering pipeline instead of using UI elements to render themselves. New IAdornmentLayer.AddAdornment overloads support the creation of draw-based adornments.

While adornment layers still stack in the same order as before, element-based adornments will always render "on top" of draw-based adornments since the elements are stacked on top of the drawing canvas element. Adornments like alternating row highlights should be draw-based so that they stack appropriately with other pre-defined adornment layers. Adornments like intra-line controls can remain element-based since they generally appear on top of other view content anyhow.

Vertical View Split Option Removed

With the advent of advanced tabbed docking windows, we simplified our internal structures by removing support for vertical splits. Horizontal splits are still supported.

The EditorViewPlacement enumeration now only has Lower and Upper values. The SyntaxEditor.CanSplitVertically, HasVerticalSplit, and VerticalSplitPercentage properties were removed.

IEditorView Scroll State Changes

The IEditorView.FirstVisibleX and FirstVisiblePosition properties were removed and replaced with a new read-only ITextView.ScrollState property that returns a TextViewScrollState object. To set the scroll state, use the new IEditorViewScroller.ScrollTo method, accessible via editor.ActiveView.Scroller.ScrollTo.

Indicator Changes

The IIndicatorTag interface has been updated to use the fast new rendering mechanism for drawing glyphs instead of making UI elements. Accordingly the CreateGlyph method has been removed and replaced with a DrawGlyph method.

See the "CustomIndicatorTag" class in the "Indicators - Custom" QuickStart for an example implementation of the DrawGlyph method.

View Line Changes

IEditorViewLine and IPrinterViewLine Interfaces Merged Into ITextViewLine

The former IEditorViewLine and IPrinterViewLine interfaces have been merged into their base ITextViewLine interface.

The same is true of the IEditorViewLineCollection and IPrinterViewLineCollection interfaces being merged into their base ITextViewLineCollection interface.

Bounds and Size Properties Changed

For better clarity, the ITextViewLine.Bounds and Size properties have been updated to include the height of the top/bottom intra-line adornment margins.

New TextBounds and TextSize properties were added, with the former return values of the Bounds and Size properties that exclude adornment margin space.

VisibleStartPosition Property Added

A new ITextViewLine.VisibleStartPosition property was added that returns the first visible position on the view line. Replace any prior ITextViewLine.DisplayLineNumber property call with the new ITextViewLine.VisibleStartPosition.DisplayLine property.

Selection Brush Property Changes

The SyntaxEditor.SelectionBackgroundActive and SelectionBackgroundInactive properties were renamed to SyntaxEditor.SelectedTextBackground and InactiveSelectedTextBackground respectively.

The SyntaxEditor.SelectionBorderActiveBrush and SelectionBorderInactiveBrush properties were removed since selection borders are no longer supported.

Searching Changes

The SyntaxEditor.IsIncrementalSearchResultHighlightingEnabled property was renamed to SyntaxEditor.IsSearchResultHighlightingEnabled.

The EditorSearchView.IsModeToolBarVisible property was renamed to CanToggleReplace, and the Mode property was renamed to IsReplaceVisible. The boolean property is easier to bind with. The EditorSearchMode enumeration was removed.

Input Changes

The IEditorViewMouseInputEventSink interface was renamed to IEditorViewPointerInputEventSink, and the interface members were updated to use a more generic naming convention along with cross-platform compatible event arguments.

The IEditorView.StartMouseSelection method was renamed to IEditorView.StartPointerSelection and its parameter type was changed.

The SyntaxEditor.CanMoveCaretOnMouseRightClick property was renamed to SyntaxEditor.CanMoveCaretForSecondaryPointerButton.

Code block selection features (available in some languages) changed keyboard shortcuts from Ctrl++ to Ctrl+Shift++ for expansion, and Ctrl+- to Ctrl+Shift+- for contraction.

Line Commenter Changes

The ILineCommenter.Comment and Uncomment methods were updated to have snapshot and ITextPositionRangeCollection parameters instead of a single TextSnapshotRange. These changes allow line commenters to facilitate multiple selections. The built-in line commenter implementations were updated to support multiple selections.


An ITextPositionRangeCollection can be created via the static TextPositionRange.CreateCollection method overloads.

Text Formatter Changes

The ITextFormatter.Format method was updated to have snapshot, ITextPositionRangeCollection, and TextFormatMode (All or Ranges options) parameters instead of a single TextSnapshotRange to facilitate multiple selections. The built-in text formatter implementations were updated to support multiple selections.

See the "Getting Started #13" QuickStart for an example of a text formatter using the newer API.


An ITextPositionRangeCollection can be created via the static TextPositionRange.CreateCollection method overloads.

This code shows general logic that can be used for an ITextFormatter.Format method. It calls into a FormatCore method that is where you'd implement the actual text modification logic for the specified snapshot range.

public void Format(ITextSnapshot snapshot, ITextPositionRangeCollection selectionPositionRanges, TextFormatMode mode) {
	if (snapshot == null)
		throw new ArgumentNullException("snapshot");
	if ((selectionPositionRanges == null) || (selectionPositionRanges.Count == 0))
		throw new ArgumentNullException("selectionPositionRanges");

	// Changes must occur sequentially so that we can use unmodified offsets while looping over the document
	var options = new TextChangeOptions();
	options.OffsetDelta = TextChangeOffsetDelta.SequentialOnly;
	options.RetainSelection = true;
	var change = snapshot.Document.CreateTextChange(TextChangeTypes.AutoFormat, options);

	// Get the snapshot ranges to format
	var snapshotRanges = (mode == TextFormatMode.All ?
		new TextSnapshotRange[] { snapshot.SnapshotRange } :
		selectionPositionRanges.Select(pr => new TextSnapshotRange(snapshot, snapshot.PositionRangeToTextRange(pr))).ToArray()

	// Loop through the snapshot ranges
	foreach (var snapshotRange in snapshotRanges)
		this.FormatCore(change, snapshotRange);

	// Apply the changes
	if (change.Operations.Count > 0)

New methods make it easy to call the current syntax language's text formatter, if one is available.


DuplicateLine Edit Action Changed to Duplicate

The old DuplicateLine edit action has been updated to work with selected text and has been renamed to Duplicate. If there is no selection, the entire document line will be duplicated. If there is a selection, it will be inserted and selected immediately after the previous selection.

The TextChangeTypes.DuplicateLine property was renamed to TextChangeTypes.Duplicate.

The EditorCommands.DuplicateLine property was renamed to EditorCommands.Duplicate.

The DuplicateLineAction class was renamed to DuplicateAction and the corresponding IEditorViewTextChangeActions.DuplicateLine method was renamed to IEditorViewTextChangeActions.Duplicate.

ANTLR and Irony Add-ons Not Installed By Default

The optional add-ons that integrate ANTLR v3 And Irony parsers with SyntaxEditor are no longer installed by default. The ANTLR Add-on and Irony Add-on topics give more detail on the options to pick during WPF Controls setup to install those.

TextStylePreview and NavigableSymbolSelector Namespace Changed

The TextStylePreview and NavigableSymbolSelector controls have been moved from the SyntaxEditor.Primitives namespace up to primary SyntaxEditor namespace where the SyntaxEditor control is located.

Other Miscellaneous Changes

The SyntaxEditor.CharacterWidth, LineHeight, and SpaceWidth properties were replaced with ITextView.DefaultCharacterWidth, DefaultLineHeight, and DefaultSpaceWidth properties respectively.

The SyntaxEditor.IsOverwriteModeActiveChanged event arguments were updated.

The SyntaxEditor.CanScrollPastDocumentEnd property was flipped to a default of true since view lines can support variable heights via font options and intra-line adornments. Scrolling past document end can be turned back off if those features are not being used.

The SyntaxEditor.IsMouseWheelZoomEnabled property was removed in favor of the new ZoomModesAllowed property.

The SyntaxEditor.LineNumberMarginFontSize property's default was changed to 0. When 0, it will use the same font size as SyntaxEditor.FontSize.

The SyntaxEditor.ZoomLevelIndicatorTemplate property and default indicator were removed since zoom level is usually indicated in external UI.