In This Article

Converting to v24.1

The 24.1 version made a number of infrastructure updates and improvements.

Bars Exits Beta and Older Ribbon is Deprecated

The Bars product has exited the beta phase and is now ready for production scenarios. The older Ribbon product has been deprecated in favor of the newer product and will be removed in a future release.

Projects should begin transitioning from Ribbon to Bars. Please see the Converting to v23.1 topic for additional details on converting to the newer product.

Bars Button and Menu Item Command Updates

The BarPopupButton, BarSplitButton, BarMenuItem, and BarSplitMenuItem controls all have Command and PopupOpeningCommand properties. While v23.1's logic did execute the Command when a split button or split menu item's button portion was clicked, and opening a popup on any of those controls did execute the PopupOpeningCommand, the can-execute checks of each command were not handled in a similar fashion.

In v23.1, only the Command was ever examined to determine if the entire control should be disabled. This also caused issues in split buttons and split menu items where if the button portion's Command was disabled, there was then no way to open the popup since it was also disabled. In v24.1, we refactored how commands work with these controls so that the can-execute checks are in line with the execute behavior.

The updated v24.1 behavior is that:

  • BarPopupButton and BarMenuItem (with a sub-menu) use the PopupOpeningCommand can-execute result to determine if the control is enabled, falling back to a check on Command for backward compatibility if no PopupOpeningCommand is specified.
  • BarSplitButton and BarSplitMenuItem use the Command can-execute result to determine if the button portion is enabled and use the PopupOpeningCommand can-execute result to determine if the popup portion is enabled. This allows the button and popup portions of the controls to be enabled/disabled independently of each other.

Bars Changes to Multi-Row Layouts in Ribbon Groups

Ribbon groups in Classic layout mode already supported two and three-row layouts (like the Font group in Word) that adjusted based on available width. The design for this feature originally required that all controls within a ribbon group participate in that same multi-row layout.

During the beta period, we had customers send feedback that they required the ability to support multi-row layout alongside other controls in the same group that did not participate in the multi-row layout. This unfortunately required several small breaking changes to achieve, with update directions described below.

RibbonGroup.CanUseMultiRowLayout and ThreeRowItemSortOrder Properties Removed

RibbonGroupViewModel.CanUseMultiRowLayout and ThreeRowItemSortOrder Properties Removed

Similar to the controls mentioned above, when using MVVM, the view models should be handled in the same way:

XAML Example of Changes

v23.1 XAML

<bars:RibbonTabItem Key="Home" ... >

	<bars:RibbonGroup Key="FontGroup" Label="Font" CanUseMultiRowLayout="True" ThreeRowItemSortOrder="0 2 1">

		<!-- Don't render separators next to this set of comboboxes -->
		<bars:RibbonControlGroup SeparatorMode="Never">
			<bars:BarComboBox x:Name="fontFamilyComboBox" RequestedWidth="115" KeyTipText="FF" IsStarSizingAllowed="True"
							  MenuResizeMode="Vertical" TextPath="Label" UseMenuItemAppearance="True" SelectedValuePath="Value" />
			<bars:BarComboBox x:Name="fontSizeComboBox" RequestedWidth="40" KeyTipText="FS"
							  MenuResizeMode="Vertical" TextPath="Label" UseMenuItemAppearance="True" SelectedValuePath="Value" />

		<!-- Larger and smaller font size buttons -->
			<bars:BarButton Key="Larger" SmallImageSource="/Images/GrowFont16.png" KeyTipText="FG" />
			<bars:BarButton Key="Smaller" SmallImageSource="/Images/ShrinkFont16.png" KeyTipText="FK" />

		<!-- Bold, italic, and underline buttons -->
			<bars:BarButton Key="Bold" SmallImageSource="/Images/Bold16.png" KeyTipText="B" />
			<bars:BarButton Key="Italic" SmallImageSource="/Images/Italic16.png" KeyTipText="I" />
			<bars:BarButton Key="Underline" SmallImageSource="/Images/Underline16.png" KeyTipText="U" />



v24.1 XAML

<bars:RibbonTabItem Key="Home" ... >

	<bars:RibbonGroup Key="FontGroup" Label="Font">

		<bars:RibbonMultiRowControlGroup ThreeRowItemSortOrder="0 2 1">

			<!-- Don't render separators next to this set of comboboxes -->
			<bars:RibbonControlGroup SeparatorMode="Never">
				<bars:BarComboBox x:Name="fontFamilyComboBox" RequestedWidth="115" KeyTipText="FF" IsStarSizingAllowed="True"
								  MenuResizeMode="Vertical" TextPath="Label" UseMenuItemAppearance="True" SelectedValuePath="Value" />
				<bars:BarComboBox x:Name="fontSizeComboBox" RequestedWidth="40" KeyTipText="FS"
								  MenuResizeMode="Vertical" TextPath="Label" UseMenuItemAppearance="True" SelectedValuePath="Value" />

			<!-- Larger and smaller font size buttons -->
				<bars:BarButton Key="Larger" SmallImageSource="/Images/GrowFont16.png" KeyTipText="FG" />
				<bars:BarButton Key="Smaller" SmallImageSource="/Images/ShrinkFont16.png" KeyTipText="FK" />

			<!-- Bold, italic, and underline buttons -->
				<bars:BarButton Key="Bold" SmallImageSource="/Images/Bold16.png" KeyTipText="B" />
				<bars:BarButton Key="Italic" SmallImageSource="/Images/Italic16.png" KeyTipText="I" />
				<bars:BarButton Key="Underline" SmallImageSource="/Images/Underline16.png" KeyTipText="U" />




Editors DateEditBox, DateTimeEditBox, and TimeEditBox Updates

When typing in new values within a DateEditBox, DateTimeEditBox, or TimeEditBox, DateTime parse methods would be used to convert the edited text to a DateTime value. The downside of this was that no consideration was given to which edit box parts were actually displayed at the time.

An example of this is if you had a TimeEditBox with only hour and minute parts, and the original edit box value had seconds specified. Changing the edit box's text would zero out the seconds component in the parsed DateTime value instead of retaining it.

In v24.1, text edits in these three edit boxes will retain all DateTime components from the original value for which edit box parts aren't displayed.

Note that DateEditBox will still zero out its time components as before, unless its CanRetainTime property is set to true.

SyntaxEditor Native Dark Theme Support

Support for dark themes is now integrated directly into SyntaxEditor. Refer to the Dark Themes topic for details on concepts like SyntaxEditorThemeManager or IHighlightingStyleColorPalette.

Switching Themes

Previously, switching between light and dark themes would require multiple steps like:

  1. Unregistering all classification types in a registry.
  2. Re-registering all the classification types from multiple providers.
  3. Re-loading language definition .langdef files.
  4. For dark theme, importing a .vssettings file with colors configured for a dark theme.
  5. Changing the CommonImageSourceProvider.DefaultImageSet between light and dark color sets.

A new SyntaxEditorThemeManager class now takes care of all of those settings by default, and most developers will not have to do anything to support changing themes. Check for any custom code that watches the ThemeManager.CurrentThemeChanged event and remove any SyntaxEditor logic related to the previous technique of switching themes.

If custom registries are used instead of AmbientHighlightingStyleRegistry, those registries can be configured to automatically switch themes by calling SyntaxEditorThemeManager.Manage and passing the custom registry.

If any developer does not want the default functionality provided by SyntaxEditorThemeManager, the following code will disable the default features:

// Disable automatically switching between light/dark color palettes

// Ensure the light color palette is the default (in case a dark theme was active before being unmanaged)
AmbientHighlightingStyleRegistry.Instance.CurrentColorPalette = AmbientHighlightingStyleRegistry.Instance.LightColorPalette;

// Disable changing image sets
SyntaxEditorThemeManager.IsCommonImageSetSynchronizationEnabled = false;

Dark Colors

If a custom .vssettings file was used with preferred dark colors, those colors may not match the new defaults. A special dark color palette can be initialized with preferred colors to use in dark themes on a per-registry basis. The following example code demonstrates how to configure the default dark colors for the ambient registry:

IHighlightingStyleRegistry registry = AmbientHighlightingStyleRegistry.Instance;
registry.DarkColorPalette.SetForeground("String", Color.FromArgb(255, 214, 157, 133));
registry.DarkColorPalette.SetForeground("PlainText", Color.FromArgb(255, 220, 220, 220));
registry.DarkColorPalette.SetBackground("PlainText", Color.FromArgb(255, 30, 30, 30));

Configuring the dark color palette is only necessary if languages are not updated with explicit dark styles.

Language Updates

The Language Designer Tool has been updated to support the configuration and preview of dark styles for classification types. Developers are encouraged to use the tool to configure appropriate dark colors instead of explicitly populating the dark color palette, and many dark colors will be automatically configured based on built-in classification types and a pre-defined mapping of common light colors to dark colors.

All Actipro-provided languages have been updated with the new dark style configuration.

New IHighlightingStyleRegistry Interface Members

The IHighlightingStyleRegistry interface has new members to support color palettes. Any custom classes that implement this interface without deriving from HighlightingStyleRegistry will need to implement the following new members:

SyntaxEditor Enhancements

The following changes were made to enhance the capabilities of SyntaxEditor and might impact some applications.

User Prompt Enhancements

Working with user prompts is now easier than ever thanks to the new UserPromptBuilder that uses a fluent API to seamlessly stream together a series of property configurations and event callbacks for creating and showing prompts. ThemedMessageBox has been updated to use the builder, so developers now have access to customizations not previously possible.

While still supported in v24.1, the following have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release:


UserPromptWindow.DefaultTitle was used to set a default title for UserPromptWindow if a title was not specified. This default title was used before attempting to infer a title from a status icon. Going forward, the inferred status titles are getting prioritized over a default. If an inferred title is not available, then UserPromptBuilder.FallbackTitle will be used.

Stop using UserPromptWindow.DefaultTitle and implement one of the following alternatives:

ThemedMessageBox.Show with Help Action

Some of the ThemedMessageBox overloads allow an Action to be passed that will result in a Help button being added to the message box that, when clicked, will invoke the action. Since UserPromptBuilder makes it easy to configure a Help button and so much more, that overload is preferred.

// Replace calls using Help action
result = ThemedMessageBox.Show(text, caption, button, image, defaultResult, helpAction: OpenHelp);

// With UserPromptBuilder configuration that adds Help command
result = ThemedMessageBox.Show(text, caption, button, image, defaultResult, builder => builder.WithHelpCommand(OpenHelp));

The overload with the Help action will be removed in a future release to reduce the number of overloads.

UI Accessibilty Peer Updates

.NET 8 altered the default UI peer structure for basic ItemsControl controls and their children. In v24.1, updates were made to UIA peers for various Actipro controls to improve UIA peer structure or mimic how it was prior to .NET 8.

The affected controls grouped by product are:

  • Editors - MonthCalendar and related controls.
  • Micro Charts - MicroSegmentChart.
  • Navigation - Breadcrumb, ZoomContentControl, and related controls.
  • Ribbon (legacy) - Ribbon, Tab, Group, QuickAccessToolBar, TabPanelItemsControl, and related controls.
  • Shared Library - UserPromptControl.
  • Views - Book, TaskBoard, and related controls.

Removed XBAP Support

XBAP (WPF Browser Application) support has been removed since this feature is no longer supported by .NET or modern browsers.

Previously Deprecated Items Removed

The following members were deprecated in previous releases have been removed in this release.