In This Article

Tool Window Inner-Fill

Actipro Docking & MDI supports tool window inner-fill mode, in which all tool windows fill the entire content area of the ancestor DockSite.


Tool windows in inner-fill mode, where there is no MDI area

Many other competitive docking products don't support this feature.

Configuration and Features

Tool window inner-fill mode is achieved by omitting a Workspace from within the DockSite.

By leaving out the workspace, the dock site will automatically switch to tool window inner-fill mode. This is similar to the layout mode that is active for floating tool windows.

When in tool window inner-fill mode, no MDI is available and tool windows fill the entire content area of the dock site. Thus, all layout sizing is done based on ratios of the initial ToolWindow.ContainerDockedSize values. For instance if two tool windows are docked next to each other, and the first has a ContainerDockedSize width of 100, while the second has a ContainerDockedSize width of 200, the second one will fill the area at twice the width of the first. If the dock site is 600 wide, the first tool window would be 200 wide, while the second would be 400 wide in that example.

A XAML Example

This sample XAML code shows how to create a tool window inner-fill scenario.

<docking:DockSite x:Name="dockSite">
			<docking:ToolWindow Title="Tool Window 8" />
			<docking:ToolWindow Title="Tool Window 9" />
			<docking:ToolWindow Title="Tool Window 10" />
			<docking:ToolWindow Title="Tool Window 11" />
		<docking:SplitContainer Orientation="Vertical">
				<docking:ToolWindow Title="Tool Window 1" />
				<docking:ToolWindow Title="Tool Window 2" />
				<docking:ToolWindow Title="Tool Window 3" />
				<docking:ToolWindow Title="Tool Window 4" />
				<docking:ToolWindow Title="Tool Window 5" />
			<docking:ToolWindow Title="Tool Window 6" />
			<docking:ToolWindow Title="Tool Window 7" />