In This Article


The controls provided by the Editors product can be easily integrated into the Ribbon product. Several properties need to be set on Editors controls to make them use a similar appearance to other Ribbon-embedded controls.


Ribbon with Editors integrated

Setting Appearance Properties

Each edit box has a PartEditBoxBase.UsageContext property that can be set to ToolBar to alter the edit box to render more for a ToolBar or Ribbon-embedded scenario.

For Ribbon usage, the MinHeight should also be set to RibbonMeasurements.RibbonControlSmallHeight.

This code shows how to set the properties mentioned above:

	<editors:BrushEditBox Width="130" Value="#00FF00" UsageContext="ToolBar" 
		MinHeight="{x:Static ribbon:RibbonMeasurements.RibbonControlSmallHeight}" />

Applying a Label

An optional label can be specified on an Editors control by using the RibbonControlService.IsExternalContentSupportedProperty and RibbonControlService.LabelProperty attached properties. Labels can show up when controls are in a StackPanel within a Ribbon.

This code shows how to set the label on a BrushEditBox control:

	<editors:BrushEditBox Width="130" Value="#00FF00"
		ribbon:RibbonControlService.Label="Brush" />