In This Article


The Calculator control provides a familiar calculator interface to interactively calculate numeric values.



The calculator can be operated by tapping its various buttons or by focusing it and typing on the keyboard.

The Calculator.Value property gets or sets the current numeric calculator value, and supports data binding. It is a Double value.

The DisplayText property gets the current text that is rendered in the display area of the calculator.


Calculator offers several properties that can be used to customize the look of the control.


There properties can be used to customize the overall look of the Calculator, as described below.

Property Description
DisplayFontSize The display font size.
HasDisplay Whether the calculator output is displayed.
HasMemoryButtons Whether the memory buttons are displayed.


The various buttons presented by the Calculator can be customized using a Style.

Property Description
DigitButtonStyle Specifies the Style to use for digit buttons.
MemoryButtonStyle Specifies the Style to use for memory buttons.
OperationButtonStyle Specifies the Style to use for operation buttons.