In This Article

Embedding Controls

Any UIElement can be embedded and precisely placed inside any of the gauge controls.

Adding/Removing UIElements

UIElement objects can be added or removed from the gauge controls using the Items collection property.

This code shows how a TextBlock can be added to a DigitalGauge:


<gauge:DigitalGauge Width="300" Height="100" Value="Actipro">
		<TextBlock Text="WPF" Foreground="White" />

Positioning UIElements

By default, UIElement objects will be centered in the associated gauge control, but it's position can be specified using the XProperty, YProperty, OriginProperty, and ZIndexProperty attached properties.

Continuing from the example above, this code shows how the TextBlock can be positioned 10-pixels to the right and 10-pixels down from the top-left corner:


<gauge:DigitalGauge Width="300" Height="100" Value="Actipro">
		<TextBlock gauge:DigitalGauge.Origin="TopLeft" gauge:DigitalGauge.X="10" gauge:DigitalGauge.Y="10" Text="WPF" Foreground="White" />

See the Coordinate System topic for more information on positioning controls, including setting the z-index.

The gauge controls use the HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment properties of FrameworkElement-derived objects to further control the positioning. The tables below describe the behavior used for the various alignment values.

HorizontalAlignment Description
Center Indicates that the center of the FrameworkElement will be aligned with the point specified along the X-axis. This is the default alignment and is always used for non-FrameworkElement-derived objects.
Left Indicates that the left side of the FrameworkElement will be aligned with the point specified along the X-axis.
Right Indicates that the right side of the FrameworkElement will be aligned with the point specified along the X-axis.
Stretch See Center.
VerticalAlignment Description
Bottom Indicates that the bottom side of the FrameworkElement will be aligned with the point specified along the Y-axis.
Center Indicates that the center of the FrameworkElement will be aligned with the point specified along the Y-axis. This is the default alignment and is always used for non-FrameworkElement-derived objects.
Top Indicates that the top side of the FrameworkElement will be aligned with the point specified along the Y-axis.
Stretch See Center.