In This Article

Drag and Drop

This control supports the standard system drag and drop functionality and even has built-in features for displaying an optional drop indicator over items when dragging over the control. Full control over the drag and drop capabilities and drop result is available.

Dragging Support

Dragging is not enabled by default and must be activated by setting the TreeListBox.CanDragItems property to true.

When dragging is enabled and dragging over collapsed items, they will expand after a delay. Similarly, dragging around the very top and bottom of the control will scroll the control.

Multiple Item Dragging and Filtering

The TreeListBox.MultiDragKind property (of type TreeMultiDragKind) can be used when multiple item drag is enabled. It can apply restrictions so that certain items cannot be dragged together. The default is None, meaning only single item selection drags are permitted. This table lists the other options:

Mode Description
None Drags are not allowed when multiple items are selected. Only single item selection drags are permitted.
Any Any node can be dragged.
SameType Any node that is the same type can be dragged.
SameDepth Any node at the same depth can be dragged.
Siblings Any node that shares the same parent can be dragged.

Initializing a DataObject

When items are about to be dragged, the TreeListBoxItemAdapter.InitializeDataObject method (via TreeListBox.ItemAdapter) is called to initialize the drag data.

By default, the InitializeDataObject method simply returns DragDropEffects.None and needs an override implementation for drag support.

The TreeListBox.ItemDataFormat format can be used to store custom data referencing each item being dragged. We recommend storing a string object in that format where each line in the string is a full path to the item. See the Item Paths topic for more information on paths. Each full path should be able to uniquely identify the item.

Other formats can be added to the drag data. For instance, if one item is being dragged, it's common to set a text value that contains the primary text displayed for the item. This text value could then be dropped onto other external controls like TextBox controls.


A full sample of drag and drop functionality is included in the product QuickStarts. It contains fairly extensive logic and should be referred to for better understanding of how drag and drop works.

Dropping Support

Dropping is not enabled by default. Set the TreeListBox.AllowDrop property to true to allow dropping. When dropping is allowed, various notification methods will be called on the item adapter as described below. Dropped items can be sourced from the same control or from external controls as well.

Handling OnDragOver and OnDrop Notifications

The TreeListBoxItemAdapter.OnDragOver method (via TreeListBox.ItemAdapter) notifies that a drag event occurred over a target item, requests that appropriate updates are made to the supplied DragEventArgs, and requests that the allowed drop area is returned for visual target feedback.

The default implementation of this method flags that dropping is not allowed and returns TreeItemDropArea.None, meaning no visual feedback should be given. Override this method if you wish to support dropping and add logic to properly handle the dragged data.

The target item (which can be null if over the whitespace area below the last item in the control) and a TreeItemDropArea based on hit testing over the target item are passed in as arguments. If dropping is to be supported and a drop indicator should be displayed, the TreeItemDropArea returned can be the same value, or coerced to another value. The resulting value will affect the displayed drop indicator. Possible values are None (no indicator), Before (small bar at the top of the target item), On (a highlight under the item), or After (small bar at the bottom of the target item). Some implementations of drag/drop may wish to keep the drop indicators simple by only returning None or On (coercing Before and After to On).

The DragEventArgs.Effects property should also be set appropriately.

Finally if a drop does occur, the TreeListBoxItemAdapter.OnDrop method (via TreeListBox.ItemAdapter) is called and requests that appropriate updates are made to the supplied DragEventArgs.

The default implementation of this method flags that no drop occurred and takes no further action. Override this method if you wish to support dropping and add logic to properly handle the dragged data.

Here again, the target item (which can be null if over the whitespace area below the last item in the control) and a TreeItemDropArea based on hit testing over the target item are passed in as arguments. An override of this method takes appropriate action to update tree items. This could involve moving items, copying items, inserting new items, etc.


A full sample of drag and drop functionality is included in the product QuickStarts. It contains fairly extensive logic and should be referred to for better understanding of how drag and drop works.

Expanding an Item on Drag/Hover

By default, when a drag occurs over an item and the pointer hovers for a brief time, the item will expand if it is currently collapsed and expandable.

The TreeListBoxItemAdapter.OnDragHover method is called when this scenario occurs, allowing you to return a TreeItemExpandability. The default implementation of that method simply returns TreeItemExpandability.Auto.

This method can be overridden in scenarios where you don't wish to allow drag/hover to auto-expand collapsed items. The related DragEventArgs and target item are passed in. Logic can be used to determine if expansion is supported based on the dragged data and target item combination. Return Never for target items that shouldn't support expansion on drag/hover.