In This Article


The NavigationBar supports a minimized mode in which it is collapsed to be very narrow. A button appears in the original content area of the NavigationBar and when clicked, a popup is displayed with the content of the currently selected pane.


A minimized NavigationBar control with its content popup displayed

The NavigationBar has several members related to minimization:

Member Description

Expanded Event

Occurs when the IsMinimized property changes to false.

IsMinimizable Property

Gets or sets whether the navigation bar can be minimized. The default value is true.

IsMinimized Property

Gets or sets whether the navigation bar is currently minimized. The default value is false.

IsPopupEnabled Property

Gets or sets whether the navigation bar's minimized popup is currently enabled.

IsPopupOpen Property

Gets or sets whether the navigation bar's minimized popup is currently displayed.

Minimized Event

Occurs when the IsMinimized property changes to true.

MinimizedTitle Property

Gets or sets the title of the navigation bar when the navigation bar is minimized.

MinimizesLeftProperty Property

Gets or sets whether the navigation bar minimizes to the left. The default value is true.

Set this property to false when docking the navigation bar on the right side of its container.

PopupClosed Event

Occurs when the IsPopupOpen property changes to false.

PopupOpened Event

Occurs when the IsPopupOpen property changes to true.

PopupResizeMode Property

Gets or sets a ControlResizeMode that indicates the type of resizing that the popup performs.

The default value is ControlResizeMode.Both.

The NavigationPane has several members related to minimization:

Member Description
PopupPadding Property Gets or sets the amount of padding added around the pane's content, when displayed in a popup. The default value is "0,0,0,0".

Preventing Minimization

When the IsMinimizable property is false, no minimize button will be visible in the NavigationBar's header.

Changing the Popup Resize Mode

The PopupResizeMode property lets you configure whether and how the minimized popup can be resized.