In This Article


The Separator class provides an implementation of a separator when used in a menu, popup or as a large item in a group.

It can display text when a label is specified in menus and also renders as a normal label when used as a medium/small item in a group.


See the Control Basics topic for many implementation details that are common to the built-in controls such as this one.


This control supports numerous UI styles (called variants) based on its Context and VariantSize property settings.

Context Variant Size Sample UI
MenuItem Large Screenshot
MenuItem Medium, Small Screenshot (no label)
MenuItem Medium, Small Screenshot (with label)
BackstageItem (any) Screenshot
None Large Screenshot
None Medium, Small Screenshot
(any other) Large Screenshot
(any other) Medium, Small Screenshot (with label)


The following table gives an overview of the capabilities of the control.

Item Details
Supports tall size (fills height of Group) Yes.
Supports normal size Yes.
Supports use in a Menu Yes.
Base class ControlBase.
Child items None.
Has popup No.
Key tip access No.
Is key tip scope No.
Click event trigger None.
Supports use outside of Ribbon Yes.
Supports commands Yes, but for populating the user interface only.
Supports ICheckableCommandParameter No.
Supports IValueCommandParameter No.
Default CommandParameter None.

Sample XAML

This code shows how to prototype this control in XAML-only:

<ribbon:Separator />

This code shows how to prototype this control with a label in XAML-only:

<ribbon:Separator Label="Options" />