In This Article


The AnimatedProgressBar includes all the features of the native WPF ProgressBar, plus the following features:

  • Support for multiple states
  • Smooth animation of value changes
  • Support for a continuous indicator (in themes that normally use a segmented indicator)




The AnimatedProgressBar control using the Aero theme in the three possible states, Normal, Paused, and Error



The AnimatedProgressBar control using the Luna NormalColor theme showing a segmented indicator and a continuous indicator

The OperationState enumeration holds all the valid states, each of which is rendered using a distinct color.

By default, the AnimatedProgressBar will animate Value changes. This differs from the native WPF ProgressBar, which "jumps" to the new Value. The smooth animation of the AnimatedProgressBar can be disabled by setting IsAnimationEnabled to false. In which case, the AnimatedProgressBar will also "jump" to the new Value.

The AnimatedProgressBar class has these important members:

Member Description

DecreaseDuration Property

Gets or sets the Duration of the decrease animation. The default value is 500 milliseconds.

IncreaseDuration Property

Gets or sets the Duration of the increase animation. The default value is 500 milliseconds.

IsAnimationEnabled Property

Gets or sets value indicating whether the progress bar should animate Value changes. The default value is true.

IsContinuous Property

Gets or sets value indicating whether the progress bar should render a continuous or segmented indicator. The default value is false.

Note: This is not supported in the Aero theme

State Property

Gets or sets the state of the progress bar. The default value is Normal.