In This Article

Dynamic Lexical Macros

The built-in regular expression engine, when used with dynamic lexers, allows for the definition of macros that represent regular expression elements. These macros are valid for use in any regular expression within a dynamic lexer and promotes reusability of common patterns.


Using defined macros is easy. To reference a macro, simply type its name within curly braces; e.g., {MacroName}.

This regular expression uses a macro that represents the character class [0-9] to build a decimal number regular expression.

{Digit}+ (\. {Digit}+)?

This regular expression builds a C# identifier using two macros.

(_ | {Alpha})({Word})*

Built-In Macros

The regular expression engine recognizes a number of built-in macros. If a dynamic lexer defines a lexical macro of the same key as a built-in lexical macro, the user's definition will override the system definition.

The following table summarizes all of the built-in macros:

Name Description
{All} Contains all Unicode characters. This is the same as: [\u0000-\uFFFF].
{Alpha} Contains all Unicode alphabetic digits. This is the same as \p{L} (all letters).
{Digit} Contains all Unicode decimal digits. This is the same as \d and \p{Nd}.
{HexDigit} Contains all Unicode hexadecimal digits. This is the same as [0-9a-fA-F].
{LineTerminator} Contains all Unicode line terminators. This is the same as [\n\r\p{Zl}\p{Zp}].
{LineTerminatorWhitespace} Contains all Unicode line terminators and whitespace characters. This is the same as \s or [\f\n\r\t\v\x85\p{Z}].
{NonAlpha} Contains the inverse of Alpha.
{NonDigit} Contains the inverse of Digit.
{None} Contains no characters.
{NonHexDigit} Contains the inverse of HexDigit.
{NonLineTerminator} Contains the inverse of LineTerminator.
{NonLineTerminatorWhitespace} Contains the inverse of LineTerminatorWhitespace.
{NonWhitespace} Contains the inverse of Whitespace.
{NonWord} Contains the inverse of Word.
{Whitespace} Contains all Unicode whitespace characters. This is the same as [\f\t\v\x85\p{Zs}].
{Word} Contains all Unicode word characters. This is the same as \w and [\p{L}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}] (all letters, decimal digits, and connectors like underscore).