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Reusable Styles and Glyphs

Actipro Themes includes several reusable styles and templates for use in various parts of your application, to maintain a consistent look.

Reusable Styles

There are several miscellaneous styles for use with Actipro and native controls. This list shows the style resource keys that are available in SharedResourceKeys:

Style Resource Key Description


This style is identical to ToolWindowTitleBarButtonBaseStyleKey, but uses a slightly different look to distinguish the close button.


This style is identical to WindowTitleBarButtonBaseStyleKey, but uses a slightly different look to distinguish the close button.


Applies to ButtonBase controls and its derivations, which includes Button, RepeatButton, and ToggleButton.

This style should be used for buttons embedded inside other controls.


This style is identical to EmbeddedButtonBaseStyleKey, but also sets OverridesDefaultStyle to true.


Applies to ComboBox controls.

This style should be used for comboboxes embedded inside other controls.


Applies to PopupButton controls.

This style should be used for popup buttons embedded inside other controls.


This style is identical to EmbeddedPopupButtonStyleKey, but also sets OverridesDefaultStyle to true.


Applies to MenuItem controls.

This style gives the menu item a text-based heading appearance, which is sometimes seen in Office apps to help categorize groups of menu items.


Applies to ButtonBase controls and its derivations, which includes Button, RepeatButton, and ToggleButton.

This style should be used for buttons inside the title bar of a tool window.


Applies to ButtonBase controls and its derivations, which includes Button, RepeatButton, and ToggleButton.

This style should be used for buttons inside the title bar of a window.

Reusable Glyphs

There are several reusable glyphs, defined as DataTemplate resources, available for use in your application.


This list shows general glyph template resource keys that are available in SharedResourceKeys:

DataTemplate Resource Key Description
CloseGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a generic close button.
DropDownArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a drop-down button.
ExternalWindowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on buttons that open an external window.
MaximizeGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a generic maximize button.
MenuCheckGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for a menu check.
MenuPopupGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for a menu popup.
MinimizeGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a generic minimize button.
MinusGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for a minus (decrease).
OverflowDropDownArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a drop-down button, to indicate there are hidden items.
PinGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a pin button, such as for auto-hiding tool windows.
PlusGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for a plus (increase).
RestoreGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a generic restore button.
SmallDropDownArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a small drop-down button.
SmallMinusGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for a small minus (decrease).
SmallPlusGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for a small plus (increase).
ToolBarOverflowDropDownArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a toolbar overflow drop-down button.
UnpinGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on an unpin button, such as for sauto-hiding tool windows.


This list shows glyph template resource keys that are available in SharedResourceKeys and render arrows.

DataTemplate Resource Key Description
LeftArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a normal size left arrow glyph.
UpArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a normal size up arrow glyph.
RightArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a normal size right arrow glyph.
DownArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a normal size down arrow glyph.
SmallLeftArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a small size left arrow glyph.
SmallUpArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a small size up arrow glyph.
SmallRightArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a small size right arrow glyph.
SmallDownArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a small size down arrow glyph.
LargeLeftArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a large size left arrow glyph.
LargeUpArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a large size up arrow glyph.
LargeRightArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a large size right arrow glyph.
LargeDownArrowGlyphTemplateKey Represents a large size down arrow glyph.

Tool Windows

This list shows glyph template resource keys that are available in SharedResourceKeys for use in Window title bars, with a WindowStyle of ToolWindow:

DataTemplate Resource Key Description
ToolWindowTitleBarButtonCloseGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a tool window's close button.
ToolWindowTitleBarButtonMaximizeGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a tool window's maximize button.
ToolWindowTitleBarButtonMinimizeGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a tool window's minimize button.
ToolWindowTitleBarButtonRestoreGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a tool window's restore button.


This list shows glyph template resource keys that are available in SharedResourceKeys for use in Window title bars:

DataTemplate Resource Key Description
WindowTitleBarButtonBackGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a window's back button.
WindowTitleBarButtonCloseGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a window's close button.
WindowTitleBarButtonMaximizeGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a window's maximize button.
WindowTitleBarButtonMenuBarsGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a window's menu bars button.
WindowTitleBarButtonMinimizeGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a window's minimize button.
WindowTitleBarButtonRestoreGlyphTemplateKey Represents a glyph for use on a window's restore button.