In This Article


This panel allows child elements to be positioned in sequential order, either horizontally or vertically, while keeping a focal item centered in the view. Includes support for wrapping items around, to produce a circular effect.


Child elements are positioned or "stacked" based on the order that the elements were added to the panel, or more specifically, their position in the Children collection. Elements can be stacked either vertically or horizontally, which is determined by the ZapPanel.Orientation property.

Unlike an AnimatedStackPanel, a focal item (or an item of interest) is centered in the view. This can be tied to the selected index of an associated ListBox, or any other control such as a Slider.


ZapPanel with the first element selected


ZapPanel with the second element selected

The ZapPanel implements IScrollInfo to support logical scrolling. Physical scrolling is based on the size of the element being scrolled and can be thought of as "pixel-based" scrolling. Logical scrolling is based on the number of elements in the ZapPanel, so it effectively moves a given element completely into the view (when possible). If ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll is set to false, then logical scrolling will be disabled and physical scrolling will be used. This causes a problem as the ZapPanel centers the focal item, so the physical scrolling will be offset. Therefore, physical scrolling cannot be used with the ZapPanel, and instead an AnimatedStackPanel should be used.

In general, the width of the ZapPanel should be restricted when oriented horizontally, and height should be restricted when oriented vertically. If the ZapPanel is given unlimited width/height when oriented horizontally/vertically then it will not be able to center the focal item.


By default, the child elements are stacked in order from beginning to end. The ZapPanel can wrap elements around to the opposing side to produce a circular effect. This feature can be enabled by setting ZapPanel.AreChildrenWrapped to true.


ZapPanel using wrapping with the first element selected


ZapPanel using wrapping with the second element selected

Getting Started with ZapPanel

This code shows typical XAML code used to position elements in an ZapPanel:

<views:ZapPanel Orientation="Vertical">
	<!-- Positioned in the center of the view, as it's considered the focal item by default -->
	<Button Content="One" \>
	<!-- Positioned just below the button above -->
	<Button Content="Two" \>

Important Members

The following ZapPanel members are key to its use:

Member Description
AreChildrenWrapped Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the child items are wrapped around the item currently centered.
FocalIndex Property Gets or sets the index of the focal child, which should be centered in the panel.
IsFocalIndexAutoBound Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the FocalIndex property is automatically bound to the associated Selector.SelectedIndex property when used as an items host.
Orientation Property Gets or sets the orientation that the child elements are arranged.