In This Article

Page Captions, Descriptions, and Titles

Wizard pages all have a unique a caption, description, and title. Each property is designed for a certain purpose.

Wizard also makes it simple to automatically update the containing Window's title based on the current page selection. There are even numerous options for formatting the title.

Page Captions and Descriptions

Each page has WizardPage.Caption and WizardPage.Description properties. A page's caption is a small phrase that is typically displayed in a bold or large font as header text for the page. A page's description is one or more sentences that gives a brief description of the page. The description typically appears directly under the page's caption.

See the Page Types topic for details on where the page's caption and description appear in the interior and exterior page templates.

Page Titles

Each page also has a WizardPage.Title property. The title of a wizard page typically is not directly visible within a page, however it can be used to construct the title for the containing Window.

See the section below on modifying Window titles for more information on how to use the page's title.

Modifying the Containing Window's Title

Wizard has numerous features to automatically update the containing Window's title based on the selected page.

The first step in choosing how to automatically modify the Window title is to choose the title behavior. The Wizard.WindowTitleBehavior property gets and sets an enumeration value of type WizardWindowTitleBehavior that determines the title behavior. These are the values of that enumeration:

Value Description
None Do not modify the containing Window control's title.
PageTitle Displays the text in the Wizard.WindowTitleBaseText property appended by a dash and the text in the current page's Title property.
PageCaption Displays the text in the Wizard.WindowTitleBaseText property appended by a dash and the text in the current page's Caption property.
Custom Displays the text in the Wizard.WindowTitleBaseText property appended by the text in the Wizard.WindowTitleCustomPageText property, which defaults to - Step {0} of {1}. If using step numbers, this title behavior is only useful for Wizards that do not have multiple execution paths. See below for more information on the various settings for the Wizard.WindowTitleCustomPageText property.

Note that several of the title behaviors append some text onto the base text in the Wizard.WindowTitleBaseText property. Therefore the text you normally would have set to the Window.Title property should be set to this property.

When a Custom title behavior is chosen, the Wizard.WindowTitleCustomPageText is used. It is passed as the format string to a String.Format call. Multiple format items are passed in as parameters to this String.Format call:

Index Description
0 The current page index incremented by 1 for display purposes. This item is only useful for wizard that have a single linear execution path.
1 The total number of pages. This item is only useful for wizard that have a single linear execution path.
2 The page title.
3 The page caption.
4 The page description.

Say that you were designing a SQL connection wizard and you wanted your wizard's containing Window title to display a title in this format: SQL Connection Wizard : (WizardPage Title) - Step (Page #) of (Page Count). To achieve that you would use these settings:

Member Value
Wizard.WindowTitleBehavior Property Custom
Wizard.WindowTitleBaseText Property SQL Connection Wizard
Wizard.WindowTitleCustomPageText Property : {2} - Step {0} of {1}

This XAML code shows how to use simple page title-based Window titles for a registration wizard:

<wizard:Wizard x:Name="wizard" WindowTitleBehavior="PageTitle" WindowTitleBaseText="Registration Wizard"></wizard:Wizard>