James Zheng

User Profile (#102296)


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Posts and Comments

Posted Subject Location
8 years ago Hightlighting style registry SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Re: Bypass syntax Hightling SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Bypass syntax Hightling SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Re: Update squiggle line based on specified delimiters SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Update squiggle line based on specified delimiters SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Re: Setting FirstVisiblePosition Not possible SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Re: ITextView.TextAreaViewportBounds doesn't get the visible portion of text area correctly SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Setting FirstVisiblePosition Not possible SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Re: Undo/Redo Stack SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Undo/Redo Stack SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago Re: ITextView.TextAreaViewportBounds doesn't get the visible portion of text area correctly SyntaxEditor for WPF
8 years ago ITextView.TextAreaViewportBounds doesn't get the visible portion of text area correctly SyntaxEditor for WPF
9 years ago Re: ClassifyToken is only called for the lines being changed SyntaxEditor for WPF
9 years ago Re: ClassifyToken is only called for the lines being changed SyntaxEditor for WPF
9 years ago Re: ClassifyToken is only called for the lines being changed SyntaxEditor for WPF
9 years ago Re: ClassifyToken is only called for the lines being changed SyntaxEditor for WPF
9 years ago ClassifyToken is only called for the lines being changed SyntaxEditor for WPF
9 years ago Multi line comment doesn't work SyntaxEditor for WPF