jeff jarrell

User Profile (#40642)


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Posts and Comments

Posted Subject Location
12 years ago Re: Binding Warning Fills my output window with messages Grids for WPF
12 years ago Multi-Select, doesn't call datafactory given a sequence of operations Grids for WPF
12 years ago Binding Warning Fills my output window with messages Grids for WPF
13 years ago Enum Editor (what did i just do??) Grids for WPF
13 years ago Re: IDataFitler as related .Refresh Grids for WPF
13 years ago IDataFitler as related .Refresh Grids for WPF
14 years ago Re: Simple mod on a Int32PropertyEditor Grids for WPF
14 years ago Simple mod on a Int32PropertyEditor Grids for WPF
14 years ago Re: Error Template used to work. Grids for WPF
14 years ago Error Template used to work. Grids for WPF
14 years ago Using PropertyChildAdding, PropertyChildAdded Grids for WPF
14 years ago Re: PopupButton,PropertyGrid,PropertyEditor.Popup won't autoclos WPF Studio, Themes, and Shared Library for WPF
14 years ago PopupButton,PropertyGrid,PropertyEditor.Popup won't autoclos WPF Studio, Themes, and Shared Library for WPF
14 years ago Re: Workaround for missing PropertyChanged event? Grids for WPF
14 years ago Re: ColorPicker throws exception Grids for WPF
14 years ago ColorPicker throws exception Grids for WPF
14 years ago PopupButton, what triggers closing of popup? WPF Studio, Themes, and Shared Library for WPF
15 years ago Re: Using PopupButton as Editor/Focus issues Grids for WPF
15 years ago Using PopupButton as Editor/Focus issues Grids for WPF
15 years ago Re: How to getting other data into CustomPropertyEditor? Grids for WPF