Sascha Schwegelbauer

User Profile (#42079)


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Posts and Comments

Posted Subject Location
14 years ago Re: Display contextual tab when specific wizard window selected? Ribbon for WPF
14 years ago Re: Display contextual tab when specific wizard window selected? Ribbon for WPF
14 years ago Re: Display contextual tab when specific wizard window selected? Ribbon for WPF
14 years ago Display contextual tab when specific wizard window selected? Ribbon for WPF
14 years ago Re: Battery (barrel) style gauge? Gauge for WPF
15 years ago Re: Item with null value not editable Grids for WPF
15 years ago MultiLine String? Grids for WPF
15 years ago Re: Item with null value not editable Grids for WPF
15 years ago Item with null value not editable Grids for WPF
15 years ago enum only displayed as text Grids for WPF
15 years ago Re: Battery (barrel) style gauge? Gauge for WPF
15 years ago Battery (barrel) style gauge? Gauge for WPF
15 years ago Re: Support of MetadataType? Grids for WPF
15 years ago Support of MetadataType? Grids for WPF