Posted 15 years ago
by Sascha Schwegelbauer
Hi ActiPro,
I'm using an enum as value-source for a PropertyGridPropertyItem.The ComboBox shows the enum-values correctly templated when dropped down, but the closed one just seems to display via a ToString() method.
How can I make PropertyGrid display the templated enum-value also in standard-condition?
Thanks in advance
I'm using an enum as value-source for a PropertyGridPropertyItem.
<app:PropertyGridPropertyItem DisplayName="InvoiceState"
ValueTemplate="{StaticResource {x:Static app:BuiltinEditors.ComboBoxValueTemplateKey}}"
Value="{Binding InvoiceState, Mode=TwoWay}" DefaultValue="False"
StandardValues="{Binding AllValues, Source={StaticResource ecInvoiceState}}"
IsLimitedToStandardValues="true" />
How can I make PropertyGrid display the templated enum-value also in standard-condition?
Thanks in advance