Posted 18 years ago
by Michael Knorr

thanks for quickly adding the WindowCloseReason!
Another problem:
I'm loading the docking layout from a file and use the WindowCreated-Event to add content to the tool windows. Some tool windows react on events from other tool windows, but only when they are visible.
In the WindowCreated-Event e.TabbedMdiWindow.Visible is always true and it stays true regardless if the tool window actually becomes visible or stays hidden. The visible property of the tool window (and its controls) only becomes false when it was visible is hidden during run time.
This behaviour can be easily reproduced with the sample application. Add additional tool windows to the sample app, hide them and save the layout. Close and reopen the sample app, then load the layout with the hidden tool windows. When you put a break point on dockManager_WindowCreated you can check that e.TabbedMdiWindow.Visible is always true.
Is it possible to correct this with the next maintenance release?
Otherwise I have to find some workaround.
(On the long term I want to switch to lazy initialization of the tool windows, which will resolve this problem as well...)
Michael Knorr
thanks for quickly adding the WindowCloseReason!
Another problem:
I'm loading the docking layout from a file and use the WindowCreated-Event to add content to the tool windows. Some tool windows react on events from other tool windows, but only when they are visible.
In the WindowCreated-Event e.TabbedMdiWindow.Visible is always true and it stays true regardless if the tool window actually becomes visible or stays hidden. The visible property of the tool window (and its controls) only becomes false when it was visible is hidden during run time.
This behaviour can be easily reproduced with the sample application. Add additional tool windows to the sample app, hide them and save the layout. Close and reopen the sample app, then load the layout with the hidden tool windows. When you put a break point on dockManager_WindowCreated you can check that e.TabbedMdiWindow.Visible is always true.
Is it possible to correct this with the next maintenance release?
Otherwise I have to find some workaround.
(On the long term I want to switch to lazy initialization of the tool windows, which will resolve this problem as well...)
Michael Knorr