I'd like to add a (new) DocumentWindow to a specific DockingWindowContainer. How can I do so?
Benjamin Ernst
I'd like to add a (new) DocumentWindow to a specific DockingWindowContainer. How can I do so?
Benjamin Ernst
Hi Benjamin,
After the DocumentWindow is registered with the DockSite (by using the constructor overload that takes a DockSite or adding the window to the DockSite.DocumentWindows collection), you can call MoveToMdi passing the TabbedMdiContainer that you'd like to add it to. There are not any other DockingWindowContainers that support DocumentWindows that you can add to.
Thanks a lot. I did not notice that DockingWindowContainer is abstract and TabbedMdiContainer is a sub-class of it. Using the mentioned method works like a charm.
Benjamin Ernst
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