Dropdown Selection - Showing from right to left on selection

Grids for WPF Forum

Posted 12 years ago by Steve
Version: 11.2.0554

When you have a list of items in a dropdown as a property and then select one that is larger than the viewable area it seems to show the last part of the selected value by default.  Is there any way to set it so it shows from the left.  As an example, if you look at your Filters (Built-in) QuickStart you have three dropdowns. If you resize the width of the property editor so it's not possible to fully show 'Continue' from the selection and then select 'Continue'  the display value is something like 'ontinue' and I want it from the start so it would be 'Continu'

Interstingly enough the dropdown with the Ribbon works from left to right, as we want it.

Many thanks for any help you can give and I hope all that makes sense.


Comments (1)

Answer - Posted 12 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Steve,

Unfortunately that is a "feature" of the native WPF TextBox and ScrollViewer. When selecting all text in the ComboBox/TextBox the caret is at the end of the text, which in turn causes it's hidden ScrollViewer to ensure the caret is visible. With Ribbon we have our own ComboBox/TextBox controls and have more control over that.

This StackOverflow question describes one possible solution. But in our case we are simply using the native ComboBox, which is performing the select all. I've marked down a TODO item to see about working around this in the future.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 24 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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