How to set the size of the DOCKGUIDE according to the region of the docksite.
ForExample :My sample application consists of the Two docksites(docksite1,docksite2) and each docksite consist of the toolwindow(toolwindow1,toolwindow2) using the PrismIntegration with Docking.
I had linked these docksites to each other.
Problem is like suppose the height of docksite1 is only 40. and height of the docksite2 is 900.
When i drag the toolwindow2 from the docksite2 and put that dragged toolwindow2 in docksite1 then Dockguide showing in that small region(docksite1) is very large and it is crossing the boundaries of the small docksite1 region.User will not be able to dock the Toolwindow2 into docksite1.
If i set the size of the docksite1 to 400 and size of the docksite2 to 540 then user can easily dock the toolwindiow2 in to docksite1.
So how to set the size of the DOCKGUIDE according to the size of the docksite.So that user can drag and dock the large docksite or large toolwindow into small docksite.