UIStudio (for WinForms) 2.0.0078 Maintenance Release

Announcements Forum

Posted 18 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
A new maintenance release of UIStudio (for Windows Forms) is now available. Updates include:

Dock Controls / TabStrip
  • Added the TabbedMdiWindow.ContextImage property, which allows for the display of a small image to the right of the window's text in a tab. This is useful for displaying a "lock" icon to indicate read-only files.
  • Added the TabStripPage.ContextImage property, which allows for the display of a small image to the right of the pages's text in a tab.
  • Added documentation for the new ContextImage properties.
  • Added functionality so that mouse clicking on a window in the next window navigation popup will close the next window navigation and focus the window.
  • Added code so that double-clicking undocked tool windows will restore them to an auto-hide or tabbed document state if that's what they were in before being undocked.
  • Changed tool window layout loading code so that the ToolWindow.Text property is not required to be specified.
  • Changed tool window layout loading code to try and ensure that the host container form is painted before displaying undocked tool windows.
  • Tweaked some of the DockManager dispose code.
  • Rotated images on TabStripPages that have a vertical orientation.
  • Fixed a bug where after dragging document windows to new tab containers with no tool windows visible could cause a document window to not show that it received focus.
Bar Controls
  • Fixed a bug where the themed status bar renderers would throw an exception if the Themes service was disabled.

Actipro Software Support