Backstage item custom width?

Ribbon for WPF Forum

Posted 12 years ago by Paul Wilde - Senior Developer, Exponential Limited
Version: 12.2.0570

Is it possible to override the Backstage tab item widths? I have a couple of tabs where the text is being clipped because it's too long. I tried setting the width property of the BackstageTab to compensate, which does work - *except* the container doesn't expand itself to the new size of the tab item, it remains fixed, and tab item is clipped instead (the little white selected arrow is no longer visible). HorizontalAlignment=Stretch doesn't work either. Am I missing something obviousy (still trying to get my head around the WPF way of doing things) or is this not as straightforward as I'm expecting it to be?

Comments (2)

Answer - Posted 12 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Paul,

The problem here is that our default template for the Backstage control sets the area that contains the tab to have a MinWidth of 130 and a MaxWidth of 165.  It will only adjust between those values.  You'd need to clone our template and change that to alter this.  If you are a WPF Studio customer you can download the default styles/templates from your account.

In the upcoming maintenance release though, we've altered things to use a fixed width that will come from a static RibbonMeasurements.BackstageTabWidth property.  This is due to us adding support for the newer Office 2013 look in the next maintenance release and we need a fixed width for that back arrow that appears above the tabs.  You'll be able to alter that property value in your app startup though.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 12 years ago by Paul Wilde - Senior Developer, Exponential Limited

Thanks for the quick response again - we only have an essentials licence, so a custom template won't work. I don't really want to get into changing the templates anyway, that was why we went with a 3rd party control in the first place ;)

It sounds like the new property will do exactly what we need, thanks very much.

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 26 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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