Use Built In Notifcations for Save/Close Alerts

Code Writer App Suggestions and Support Forum

Posted 12 years ago by Jacob Bearce

This is a small little thing. It bothers me that the notifications this app displays aren't the same as Windows 8's built in notifications. I think this is done because the built in notifications are pretty large, but I think consisntancy is worth it (plus you can either swipe away built in notifactions or click an X to get rid of 'em).

Comments (3)

Posted 12 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Jacob,

Thanks for the suggestion.  The built-in Windows 8 toast notifications I believe only work outside of the app that triggers them.  And as you mentioned they are a bit large and bulky and we're going for minimalism here in how they popups interact with the UI.  So in a sense, we want them to look a bit different here since they server a different purpose than the Windows 8 toasts, and are fired off more frequently too.

Another thing is that with our own, we can position them below things like the find/replace pane, and other panes coming in the next version.

If you have specific use case scenarios where you'd like to be able to dismiss them faster somehow, please feel free to offer up any ideas.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 12 years ago by Jacob Bearce

I know the app NextGen Reader displays alerts with the built in toasts while the app is open, but I do see why you would want to use the smaller alerts.

Posted 12 years ago by Jacob Bearce

Hmm. Would it be difficult to make this a setting? I get why you want to use your custom notifications, but it's one tiny thing about this app that bugs me. Everything else is fantastic, especially with al lthe new stuff you guys tell me is coming :)

The latest build of this product (v4.2.42) was released 4 years ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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