I realized that the changed files are saved with UTF-8 encoding
there is a possibility that we can choose the type of file encoding?
ex.: I use ISO-8859-1
I realized that the changed files are saved with UTF-8 encoding
there is a possibility that we can choose the type of file encoding?
ex.: I use ISO-8859-1
Hi Gregory,
The probem with encodings is that there's no real reliable way to determine the encoding of a file being opened, at least from what we've read online. Some encodings leave byte order marks at the beginning but others don't. So while we can open a file and read it in using core .NET methods, those API don't tell us the Encoding that was used.
I fear that if we allowed you the change the encoding, there could be issues where you lose data in the save such as in scenarios where a Unicode file was opened but saved out in another code page.
We're open to any suggestions in this area. Just keep in mind that we don't know of a way to reliably determine the encoding of files being opened and thus don't want to introduce any possible data loss scenarios.
what do you think to let the person choose the type of encoding that the code writer will use to save changes to any file?
So you mean as a drop-down in the Editor Settings for Encoding? Then we'd always use whatever option you set there?
yes, exactly
I realized that notepad + + and dreamweaver also make this same way
We plan to have this in the next version.
Hi Gregory,
We ended up adding a drop-down in Editor Settings for v1.4. The default option is to use automatic detection, which is what it does currently and tries to figure out what the file already is saved at. If it is unable to, it falls back to UTF-8.
However the drop-down lets you pick from all other known encodings so that you can force files to save in your desired code page.
cool, I'm looking forward to this update
hi guys,
sorry for the delay in feedback, but my charset is not supported yet
My charset is ISO-8859-1
See a list of charsets
Hi Gregory,
We just enumerate all the available code pages. Per this page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1), I believe the one you want is near the bottom as Western European (ISO) - Codepage 28591.
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