I am having trouble setting up an editable Breadcrumb control. I have followed the patterns demonstrated in Navigation Samples Quick Start projects. I can browse my hierarchy via the Breadcrumb control, I can edit the path to an element, the recent items are recorded in the combobox. Everything seems ok except when I manually modify the path and press the Backspace key a couple of times, the ConvertItem event gets triggered before I hit Enter.
The point when it happens is when I reach the first common ancestor to the previous item in the combo box. As a result the previously selected item gets selected in the Breadcrumb. I.e.
Swimming Pool
National Park
First I type in Area.Recreational.National Park. When I enter the manual edit mode and press Backspace for the first time, the control leaves edit mode and the item gets reselected. Then I go to edit again, this time I could Backspace the whole path. Instead I Backspace till "Area." and modify the entry to Area.51.Test.
If I Backspace again to "Area." the previous item (Area.Recreational.National Park) gets selected automatically.
Any idea what may trigger the ConvertItem event when I reach a certain point in the current path?