ISE type functionality for Posh

Code Writer App Suggestions and Support Forum

Posted 12 years ago by Steve

Is it possible for you to implement some typical functions like inteli-sence or tab completion for languages like powershell, where all the information is already present on WinRT?

Or even code execution?


[Modified 12 years ago]

Comments (1)

Posted 12 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Steve,

Thanks for writing... our code editor control doesn't yet support IntelliPrompt features but that is something we have in the control is other platforms like WPF and will port them over in the future.  That being said, since every language (like PowerShell) is different, specific coding needs to be done particular to each language to support things like full grammar-based parsing, context building, resolving of identifiers/expressions, and the display of IntelliPrompt.  That process can take weeks if done correctly.  You can also take a quick and dirty approach where you just do some token scanning and display completion lists for pre-defined items.  That process goes faster but might not have accurate results, certainly not nearly as robust.

It would be helpful if you point specifically to instances of things you'd like to see.  We aren't PowerShell experts here so any suggestions you have are helpful.

As for code execution, that is requested a lot by users.  The problem is that WinRT is completely sandboxed and we can't execute code outside of our app instance.  I'm not sure if you know of any libraries that can run PowerShell code from .NET, but they would need to be portable class libraries too since the app is in WinRT.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v4.2.42) was released 4 years ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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