Text ForColor Property

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 18 years ago by ernesto
How can I get to the Editors ForColor property to change the default text color? I see it is under the SyntaxEditor Properties, but it does not show up when typing into VB.NET 2005 editor.

Is there a way of doing this from the Syntax Language file?
I did try this but did not work.

<State Key="StringState" TokenKey="StringDefaultToken" Style="StringDefaultStyle">
            <!-- Scopes -->
                    <ExplicitPatternGroup Type="StartScope" TokenKey="StringStartToken" Style="StringDelimiterStyle" PatternValue="{HexDigitMacro}" />
                    <RegexPatternGroup Type="EndScope" TokenKey="StringEndToken" Style="StringDelimiterStyle" PatternValue="{LineTerminatorMacro}" IsWhitespace="True" />

[Modified at 02/01/2007 04:23 PM]

Comments (2)

Posted 18 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
The editor default forecolor is the forecolor of the style named "DefaultStyle" in whatever
language is currently loaded. A "DefaultStyle" lexical style is always available
in a language in the LexicalStates collection.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 18 years ago by ernesto
Excellent thanks

Here is the updated code for reference:

<Style Key="DefaultStyle" ForeColor="white" />

<!-- StringState-->
    <State Key="StringState" TokenKey="StringDefaultToken" Style="StringDefaultStyle">
            <!-- Scopes -->
                    <ExplicitPatternGroup Type="StartScope" TokenKey="StringStartToken" Style="StringDelimiterStyle" PatternValue="{HexDigitMacro}" />
                    <RegexPatternGroup Type="EndScope" TokenKey="StringEndToken" Style="DefaultStyle" PatternValue="{LineTerminatorMacro}" IsWhitespace="True" />
[Modified at 02/01/2007 06:46 PM]
The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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