Posted 18 years ago
by Nik Verkhovtseff
Version: 4.0.0240
Platform: .NET 2.0
Environment: Windows XP (32-bit)
It seems like a bug. Quick Info and Member List are not displayed for inherited protected members.
What I did:
1. Start TestApplication, open SDI Editor.
2. Inside any method of TestClass (C# add-on), type next line:CreatedParams is inherited proptected property of Control class. I see a Quick Info and Member List for CreateParams - OK, but I see no Quick Info and Member List for CreateParams.Caption, though Caption is a public property of CreatedParams. This works fine in previous versions.
It seems like a bug. Quick Info and Member List are not displayed for inherited protected members.
What I did:
1. Start TestApplication, open SDI Editor.
2. Inside any method of TestClass (C# add-on), type next line:
CreateParams.Caption = "hi";