I am a newbie to SyntaxEditor but what I want to achieve is simple.
I have my C# code written with XML comments and all that. I would like my XML comments to appear in Intelliprompt just like for the .NET types. I have loaded the assemblies but just can't seem to get the XML comments appearing in Intelliprompt and I can't find my way around the documentation.
Apparently, I have to add the source files to the IProjectAssembly.SourceFiles list. Have done that but no success. If that is the way to do it, it means I have to add all my source files which is a lot of source files to add. Plus, I initially thought the more intuitive way to do it is to generate an XML documentation file from your assembly and add that rather. This will give me the flexibility of translating the XML file if need be before adding it. At run-time, I can choose to load the German versions of the XML documentation file and viola. I don't believe rewriting our source code just to put in German text is practical plus the translators are not developers. They can handle XML files but not .cs files.