Does the Charts package allow dragging of plotted points? If so, where can I find documentation? Thanks.
Does the Charts package allow dragging of plotted points? If so, where can I find documentation? Thanks.
Hi Sanjeev,
We don't support dragging of points at this time. Can you provide more detail on your request and how you would use such a feature? Thanks!
In our application, we draw line graphs with multiple series. The y-value of the first point in each series determines the y-value of subsequent points in all the series.
As an example, suppose the series' first points are like this:
Series A: x[0] = 0, y[0] = 2
Series B: x[0] = 0, y[0] = 3
Series C: x[0] = 0, y[0] = 4
Then for x[i], i = 1-20, y[i] is a function of y[i-1] of all the series.
So we want the user to be able to drag the first series point (x[0], y[0]) for any series and then redraw the graph.
Hi Sanjeev,
Thanks for the explanation. You would need to probably provide some UI external to the chart at this time such as a Slider control that would let the user drag the Y value, and then update the chart data appropriately when that event occurs.
We currently use MS Charts which provides the user interaction we need, but the chart has to be hosted in
WindowsFormsHost. So it is not a true WPF control.
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