Hi Jack,
You would probably need to retemplate the Window's style to accomplish that. Since you have WPF Studio, you can download our default styles/templates from your account, then clone certain ones and redefine them to suit your needs.
Yes, I certainly am a licensed owner of WPF Studio.
I have already downloaded the styles/templates and read through them. Think I understand them somewhat.
Had already though about your advice on retemplating using a clone of your file and retemplating.
Could you provide a simple example of how to include the clone xaml in my project and wire things up so
that it overrides your base template?
I know that this is probably a 101 themeing question, but my sense is that alot of your customers
would be interested in a sample like this.
Sure, basically you just copy the Style you want to clone (which should have a SharedResourceKeys-based key) and any of its templates. So in your case, you would copy the Window style from Themes/Includes/Styles/Native/Window.xaml (the ... would the cloned contents that you update):
<Style x:Key="{x:Static themes:SharedResourceKeys.WindowChromeStyleKey}" TargetType="{x:Type Window}">
Put that in your app's Resources section so that it can be applied app-wide and override our default themes. That's all there is to it.
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