I'm rather new to this product, so this may already be answered, or trivial to implement. I searched this forum and looked through the docs, and didn't find any related topics.
I want to implement Chrome-like behavior for floating tabs, where a floated DocumentWindow is instantly placed within a new window containing a DockSite (the same type that contained the DocumentWindow initially). I tried deriving from DockSite and overriding CreateRaftingWindow, but from there was unable to determine the correct way to:
a) Create a new owning window (let's call this type MainWindow)
b) Link the docksite in the new window to the docksite in the existing window (so tabs can be dragged freely between MainWindow instances). I do have access to the DockSite instance inside MainWindow, it's named "dockSite".
c) Add the floated DocumentWindow to the docksite of the new MainWindow instance
d) Dock the floated DocumentWindow to that docksite
I'm not even sure if those steps are the best way to achieve the desired effect (again, Chrome-like behavior). Does anyone have ideas for how to do this?