Removing the outline borders around the tabbed MDI and tool window containers

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 10 years ago by Bret Naughton
Version: 14.2.0610

Hi, I am now upgrading out product from 2013.2 to 2014.2. We use the Metro Light theme. I have noticed that the theme has now been updated with 'outline borders around the tabbed MDI and tool window containers'. We need to remove these borders because the design of our application uses inner file with the actual background of the window providing the boundaries or shape of the toolwindow. Can you let me know if it is possible to remove these and if so can you point me in the right direction. Thanks.

Comments (1)

Posted 10 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA


It looks like your company has WPF Studio so I would recommend that you download the default styles/templates for each of the two versions and run the XAML files for Docking/MDI through a diff app.  That will show you the exact changes that were made, such as in Docking's Containers.xaml.  There were also a number of Metro theme resource changes so be sure to diff the XAML files in the Themes.Metro project's folder.  Note that any of the changes there, you can easily revert by including overrides for the resource keys in your App's Resources.  Our Themes QuickStarts show how to do that.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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