Posted 18 years ago
by Erik Pepping
RADVenture B.V
Version: 4.0.0245
Platform: .NET 2.0
Environment: Windows XP (32-bit)

I have a weird problem with SpanIndicator that use ExpandOnBoundaries. Some of the spanindcators do expand at the first character of the SpanIndicator others not. This a big issue for us, because it is a show-stopper for releasing our software.
Please add the following code to the example application to reproduce:Please replace line 60 from the QuickStart\IndicatorsForm.cs file with these lines:
When you run the example you will notice that the first SpanIndicator (the red one) does NOT expand automatically at the start of the SpanIndicator, but the second (the green one) does expand. In our software we use the SpanIndicators quite a lot and this behavior is seen every second SpanIndicator.
Kind regards,
Erik Pepping
[Modified at 03/21/2007 02:04 PM]
I have a weird problem with SpanIndicator that use ExpandOnBoundaries. Some of the spanindcators do expand at the first character of the SpanIndicator others not. This a big issue for us, because it is a show-stopper for releasing our software.
Please add the following code to the example application to reproduce:
using ActiproSoftware.SyntaxEditor;
namespace TestApplication.QuickStart
class MySpanIndicator : HighlightingStyleSpanIndicator
public MySpanIndicator(string name, HighlightingStyle highlightingStyle)
: base(name, highlightingStyle)
protected override bool ExpandOnBoundaries
return true;
this.AddSpanIndicator(SpanIndicatorLayer.SyntaxErrorKey, SpanIndicatorLayer.SyntaxErrorDisplayPriority,
new MySpanIndicator("ExpandOnBoundaries SpanIndicator at beginning of the line", new HighlightingStyle("test0", "test0", Color.Transparent, Color.Red)), new TextRange(255, 268));
this.AddSpanIndicator(SpanIndicatorLayer.SyntaxErrorKey, SpanIndicatorLayer.SyntaxErrorDisplayPriority,
new MySpanIndicator("ExpandOnBoundaries SpanIndicator at NOT beginning of the line", new HighlightingStyle("test", "test", Color.Transparent, Color.Green)), new TextRange(268, 277));
Kind regards,
Erik Pepping
[Modified at 03/21/2007 02:04 PM]