Reset Docksite Layout to XAML

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 10 years ago by Michael Jelley
Version: 14.2.0610


I was searching through the forum for my question, and found this:

This is exactly what I'm interested in, but I didn't want to resurrect such an old thread. Has this changed in the last 6 years? Is there a way to do this without having to serialize the layout upon load?

If serializing is still the way to go, is there a particular event that would be a good time to hook in and run the serialization?


Comments (1)

Answer - Posted 10 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Michael,

Yes that is still the recommended way to do this.  There isn't really a way for us to restore the XAML other than if you cached it with our serialization mechanism.  You could do so even before you ship your app and keep the serialized XAML in a resource file that you could restore from as needed.  That way you wouldn't have to worry about saving it on the fly on the end user's app startup.

If you have any other suggestions on improving the layout reset feature implementation, feel free to post the ideas and we can discuss them.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 7 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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