we are generating some .net assemblies during runtime. The generated classes and namespaces can change during runtime. With v288 the external references were updated correctly, but since we updated to v312 this does not work anymore.
Internally we remove the old version from all DotNetProjectResolver instances, then add the same assembly again and reparse all documents. This used to work with v288 and the intelli and everything was updated correctly. Now the intelli still contains the old information of the assembly while the generated assembly is correct.
I assume the error was introduced with the following feature since this is the only relvant entry from the changelog:
Updated the AssemblyCodeRepository to not increment assembly reference counts if an assembly being added to a project resolver is already loaded in that project resolver.
When I restart my app the intelli info is correct. I have debuged my code and have verified that the reference counter is 0 before the assembly is added again. So I guess this must be an internal problem of the AssemblyCodeRepository.
[Modified 10 years ago]
Best regards, Tobias Lingemann.