WinRT XAML Controls 2015.1 Released

Announcements Forum

Posted 10 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

A major new version of the Actipro WinRT controls is now available.  This version adds a new Views product that contains a TaskBoard control, allowing for animated drag/drop of cards within task columns.  A Bar Codes control set and related 2D and linear symbologies have been added as well.  Editors receives many updates including a new non-editable mode for edit boxes.  SyntaxEditor gets many new features and its Python Language Add-on's IntelliPrompt capabilities have been greatly enhanced.  New shapes are also added to the Shared Library.

Detailed Update List

Bar Codes

  • Added the BarCode control and numerous symbologies, which can be used to render vector-based 2D and linear bar codes.
  • Added the multiple demos and QuickStarts showing usage of the new control.


  • Fixed a bug introduced in a previous build where binding a chart to data without specifying an XPath wouldn't properly use the item index as each data item's X value.


  • Added an IsEditable property to all edit boxes, which when set to false converts the edit box to behave more like a ComboBox, but with rich popups.
  • Improved CornerRadiusEditBox, PointEditBox, RectEditBox, SizeEditBox, and ThicknessEditBox to support text parsing one and/or two number entries where appropriate, useful for easy uniform value entry.
  • Added the ValueChanged event to all edit boxes, which fires when a value change is committed.
  • Adjusted edit box padding so that more content is visible in the same amount of space.
  • Fixed a bug in ColorPicker where HSB adjustments in the UI might incorrectly update RGB values.


  • Added the EditorSearchView.IsFindAllButtonVisible property, which shows a new Find All button when set to true.
  • Updated the 'Search - Find Results' QuickStart to show the new Find All button.
  • Added the IEditorViewSearcher.FindAll method.
  • Added the SyntaxEditor.AreSelectionGrippersEnabled property, which determines whether the grippers show after touch within a view.
  • Improved the RTF export logic for extended ASCII characters.
  • Updated the CSS language definition to support syntax highlighting of media queries.
  • Improved the move selected lines up/down edit action logic.
  • Optimized the scenarios for which the TokenTagger raises its TagsChanged event.
  • Improved and optimized automatic outlining update logic.
  • Updated mouse hovers over a collapsed outlining node indicator in the outlining margin to not trigger highlights.
  • Changed the quick info and parameter info tips to have a default MaxWidth of 1000, and description tips to have a default MaxWidth of 800.
  • Fixed a bug where disabling the control could throw an exception.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking elsewhere in a document wouldn't close the Insert Snippet popup.
  • Fixed a bug where a document with many sequential whitespace lines and indentation guides visible could affect editing performance.
  • Fixed a bug where an intra-text adornment on an empty view line could make the view line's height smaller than expected.
LL(*) Parser Framework
  • Added the IParserState.UntargetableParseErrorTokenIds property, which specifies tokens whose text ranges will be avoided by untargeted parse errors.
.NET Languages Add-on
  • Improved the C# language AST node structure when encountering open block statements.
  • Updated the IntelliPrompt quick info for properties to include accessors, making it possible to see whether a property is read-only.
  • Updated the resolver logic.
Python Language Add-on
  • Added IntelliPrompt for private members and updated the completion list to have Public and All filter tabs.
  • Added reflection data for private methods/fields of built-in primitive types.
  • Added IntelliPrompt for built-in exception types.
  • Improved IntelliPrompt for numerous built-in modules.
  • Greatly improved IntelliPrompt for package and module imports.
  • Improved IntelliPrompt for function parameters by examining available assert statement isinstance calls.
  • Added IntelliPrompt for static fields on classes.
  • Improved the resolution of base types for classes.
  • Added the optional IResolver.UnknownReturnTypeReferenceCallback callback that can be used to provide return type references for unknown types.
  • Updated the resolver to recognize where 'cls()' in a class method can create a new instance of the related class.
  • Updated the IntelliPrompt completion list to filter unmatched items.
  • Updated the IntelliPrompt docstring display to retain presentation of line feeds.
Web Languages Add-on
  • Fixed a bug where placing end tags in the header text of an XML document may cause an exception.
  • Fixed a bug where XML validation errors didn't properly account for header text length.


  • Added the TaskBoard control, which can be used to create a board of reorderable columns and cards.
  • Added the Repair Shop Scheduling demo, which shows how a TaskBoard can be used to interactively schedule work to resources, such as employees.
  • Added the Task Planning demo, which shows how a TaskBoard can visually organize a project's tasks.


  • Added a SemiEllipse shape, which renders half of an ellipse.
  • Updated the Shapes QuickStart with examples showing usage of the new shape.
  • Added the Triangle.IsClosed property.
  • Added the IOrientedElement interface and the OrientedElementExtensions class.
  • Added the InputPointerEventArgs.IsPointerOver method.
  • Added the InputPointerButtonEventArgs.IsPrimaryButton property.
  • Added the BooleanToVisibilityConverter.IsInverted property.
  • Updated the ConditionalConverter to return FalseValue for any non-true value.
  • Updated the PercentageConverter to support conversion from several non-Double numeric types.

About WinRT XAML Controls


All WinRT XAML control licenses automatically include a free subscription for a year of free upgrades to any new versions that are released. At the end of the year, you may renew your license for another year to keep the free upgrade benefits active.

You can purchase our WinRT XAML controls individually if you wish however you have the option to purchase all of them in the WinRT XAML Studio bundle. Purchasing the bundle saves 50% over purchasing all the controls individually. In addition, if you own a WinRT XAML Studio license, you are automatically eligible to receive free licenses for any new control products added to WinRT XAML Studio that come out within your year subscription period.

Live Demo

You can give all our latest WinRT XAML control products a spin if you have a Windows 8.1 PC or RT device. This page has a link to the Windows Store, from where you can install our Sample Browser app:

Evaluation Download

You can download an evaluation of all our WinRT XAML controls from this page:

Free Upgrades

If you own an older WinRT XAML controls version and would like to upgrade to this latest version, please click the request a free upgrade link on your organization account page's 'Purchases and Licenses' tab. The link will appear there if your upgrade eligibility is active.

Actipro Software Support