I just switched from version 14.1 to version 16.1 and find that I have numerous compile errors apparently due to changes in Docking/MDI, including:
- ToolWindow no longer has properties CanDrag, CanDockLeft, CanDockRight, CanDockTop, CanDockBottom (as setting these to T,T,T,F,F).
- DocumentWindow no longer has OnIsSelectedChanged (I was overriding in subclass).
- DocumentWindow no longer has CanRaftProperty (I was setting to true)
- DockSite no longer has OnWindowDragged, OnWindowActivated, OnWindowDeactivated, OnWindowClosed, OnWindowClosing methods (I was overriding in a subclass)
- DockSite no longer has WorkSpace or Content properties
- TabbedMdiHost no longer has Content property
- DockingWindowState enum no longer has "Floating"
- TabbedMdiContainer no longer has SelectedContent or Items properties
It seems I need to do a significant rewrite to use the new version. Is there any documentation/recommendations as to what changes should be made to get older code to work with all these changes?