AutoHideTab (Selected vs Unselected)

Docking/MDI for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 8 years ago by EntityDev
Version: 14.1.0323
Platform: .NET 4.0
Environment: Windows 7 (64-bit)


I don't see any difference when setting any DockRenderer's AutoHideTab selected vs unselected properties. It appears that AutoHide tabs are always 'Selected', as the only property settings in the Seleced/Unselected group are the Selected variety. I suppose I would expect an AutoHideTab to become selected when hovering over it with the mouse cursor and unselected when the mouse leaves.

For example:

1. AutoHideTabSelectedBorderColor
2. AutoHideTabUnselectedBorderColor

The AutoHide tab's border color will always be equal to the AutoHideTabSelectedBorderColor, whether the mouse is hovering over it, or not.

I checked the DockManager for a setting which might affect this. IgnoreAutoHideMouseClicks looks interesting, though I cannot discern what it means, or does. I spent a few minutes comparing its True vs False settings but couldn't see any difference in the running UI.

How or when does an AutoHideTab ever become 'unselected'?

[Modified 8 years ago]

Comments (2)

Posted 8 years ago by EntityDev

On further investigation I find that the only renderer which honors the mouse hover select behavior is the MetroLightDockRenderer. Can we have this behavior honored by all of the renderers? If not, is there a way to work around this?

Posted 8 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA


This dates back to the original VS 2002 style where there always was a selected auto-hide item, even when the flyouts were closed.  That is because one of the items in the container always renders with text in that renderer, while the others only show icons.

In the Metro renderer, we use the selected/unselected backgrounds based on the autoHideTab.GetDrawState() having the Hot state.  All auto-hide tab rendering is done in its DrawAutoHideTab method.  You'd have to override that method to adjust things based on hover (Hot) if you want that in other renderers.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 27 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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