I don't see any difference when setting any DockRenderer's AutoHideTab selected vs unselected properties. It appears that AutoHide tabs are always 'Selected', as the only property settings in the Seleced/Unselected group are the Selected variety. I suppose I would expect an AutoHideTab to become selected when hovering over it with the mouse cursor and unselected when the mouse leaves.
For example:
1. AutoHideTabSelectedBorderColor
2. AutoHideTabUnselectedBorderColor
The AutoHide tab's border color will always be equal to the AutoHideTabSelectedBorderColor, whether the mouse is hovering over it, or not.
I checked the DockManager for a setting which might affect this. IgnoreAutoHideMouseClicks looks interesting, though I cannot discern what it means, or does. I spent a few minutes comparing its True vs False settings but couldn't see any difference in the running UI.
How or when does an AutoHideTab ever become 'unselected'?
[Modified 8 years ago]