Posted 8 years ago
by Actipro Software Support
- Cleveland, OH, USA
A major new version of all Windows Forms controls has been released.
Detailed Update List
- Added the BarManager.KeyboardShortcutsEnabled property that can be set to false to disable all keyboard shortcuts from being recognized.
- Added the DockManager.DocumentWindowsCanFloat property, which when set to true, allows tabbed documents to be floated via a tab context menu item.
- Added the DockManager.DocumentLayoutData property and SaveDocumentLayoutToFile/LoadDocumentLayoutFromFile methods, which can be used to save/load the layout of already-open tabbed MDI documents.
- Added the DockManager.ShowNextWindowNavForm method that allows for programmatic display of the next window navigation form.
- Added the DockManager.NextWindowNavigationActive property that returns whether the next window navigation form is currently visible.
- Added the DockManager.NextWindowNavigationActiveChanged event that fires when the NextWindowNavigationActive property changes.
- Updated layout load code to perform a final arrange after the layout has been loaded in case more adjustments are needed due to space constraints.
- Updated screen rendering procedures such as splitter drags to take device DPI into account.
- Improved the rendering speed of span indicator wave lines.
- Updated the IntelliPrompt member list to scroll a virtual selection to the middle of the list in certain scenarios.
- Improved Document.GetSubstringAsHtml logic to ensure that tab characters inject enough space characters to properly reach the next tab stop.
- Added a default ForeColor property to the quick info and parameter info classes.
- Updated member list description tips to use the designated quick info BackColor and ForeColor.
- Added support for double-weight wave lines.
- Made the SyntaxEditor.GetDefaultContextMenu method virtual so it can be customized as needed.
- Fixed a bug in the tabify and untabify selected lines logic.
.NET Languages Add-on
- Updated C# parser to support C# 5.0 syntax.
- Improved the VB resolver to support imports of types.
- Fixed a bug where C# optional parameters didn't always show up correctly in quick info.
- Updated the assembly resolver logic to ignore .resources assembly requests.
Web Languages Add-on
- Fixed a bug where text formatting couldn't programmatically execute on read-only XML documents.
If you own an older WinForms Controls license or one of its products and would like to upgrade to this latest version, please click the request a free upgrade link on your organization account page's 'Purchases and Licenses' tab. The link will appear there if your upgrade eligibility is active.
For WinForms customers who own licenses for a pre-2016.1 WinForms control and the subscription has expired, but you'd like to upgrade to 2016.1, contact us for some special upgrade pricing options.
Actipro Software Support