Newbee Question: Single Line Comment

SyntaxEditor for WPF Forum

Posted 7 years ago by Housi
Version: 13.1.0583


I have this .langdef file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Actipro Syntax Language Definition (.langdef)
  For use with Actipro SyntaxEditor and related products.

'AGC+' language created by Agathon AG.
  Copyright by Agathon AG

<LanguageDefinition LanguageKey="AGCplus" LanguageDescription="AGC+" Creator="Agathon AG" Copyright="Copyright by Agathon AG" xmlns="">
	<!-- Classification types -->
		<ClassificationType Key="Comment" DefaultStyle="#FF008000" />
		<ClassificationType Key="curKeyword" />
		<ClassificationType Key="currCommand" />
		<ClassificationType Key="Delimiter" />
		<ClassificationType Key="Identifier" />
		<ClassificationType Key="Keyword" DefaultStyle="#FF0000FF" />
		<ClassificationType Key="Number" />
		<ClassificationType Key="Operator" />
		<ClassificationType Key="Simulation" DefaultStyle="#FF8000FF" />
		<ClassificationType Key="String" DefaultStyle="#FF851111" />
	<!-- Lexer -->
			<!-- Default state -->
			<State Id="1" Key="Default">
					<StateRef Key="PrimaryString" />
					<StateRef Key="Simulation" />
					<StateRef Key="MultiLineComment" />
				<RegexPatternGroup TokenId="2" TokenKey="Whitespace" Pattern="{LineTerminatorWhitespace}+" />
				<ExplicitPatternGroup TokenId="3" TokenKey="CommandEnd" ClassificationTypeKey="Delimiter" Pattern=";" />
				<ExplicitPatternGroup TokenId="4" TokenKey="OpenParenthesis" ClassificationTypeKey="Delimiter" Pattern="(" />
				<ExplicitPatternGroup TokenId="5" TokenKey="CloseParenthesis" ClassificationTypeKey="Delimiter" Pattern=")" />
				<ExplicitPatternGroup TokenId="1" TokenKey="Keyword" ClassificationTypeKey="Keyword" LookAheadPattern="{NonWord}|\z" CaseSensitivity="AutoCorrect">
						###IP COMMANDS###
				<RegexPatternGroup TokenId="6" TokenKey="Identifier" ClassificationTypeKey="Identifier" Pattern="(_ | {Alpha})({Word})*" />
				<ExplicitPatternGroup TokenId="7" TokenKey="Operator" ClassificationTypeKey="Operator">
						* + - / <= <> < = >= >
				<RegexPatternGroup TokenId="8" TokenKey="RealNumber" ClassificationTypeKey="Number" Pattern="{Digit}* \. {Digit}+" LookAheadPattern="{NonWord}|\z" />
				<RegexPatternGroup TokenId="9" TokenKey="IntegerNumber" ClassificationTypeKey="Number" Pattern="{Digit}+" LookAheadPattern="{NonWord}|\z" />
			<!-- Simulation state -->
			<State Id="2" Key="Simulation" DefaultClassificationTypeKey="Simulation">
							<ExplicitPatternGroup Pattern="[" />
							<ExplicitPatternGroup Pattern="]" />
					<StateRef Key="MultiLineComment" />
					<StateRef Key="PrimaryString" />
					<StateRef Key="Simulation" />
				<ExplicitPatternGroup TokenId="1" TokenKey="Keyword" ClassificationTypeKey="Keyword" Pattern="###XXX IP COMMANDS###" LookAheadPattern="{NonWord}|\z" CaseSensitivity="AutoCorrect" />
			<!-- PrimaryString state -->
			<State Id="3" Key="PrimaryString" DefaultTokenId="10" DefaultTokenKey="PrimaryStringText" DefaultClassificationTypeKey="String">
							<ExplicitPatternGroup TokenId="11" TokenKey="PrimaryStringStartDelimiter" Pattern="&quot;" />
							<ExplicitPatternGroup TokenId="12" TokenKey="PrimaryStringEndDelimiter" Pattern="&quot;" />
					<StateRef Key="MultiLineComment" />
				<RegexPatternGroup TokenId="13" TokenKey="PrimaryStringLineTerminator" Pattern="\n" />
				<RegexPatternGroup TokenId="10" TokenKey="PrimaryStringText" Pattern="[^\&quot;\n]+" />
			<!-- MultiLineComment state -->
			<State Id="4" Key="MultiLineComment" DefaultClassificationTypeKey="Comment">
							<ExplicitPatternGroup Pattern="(*" />
							<ExplicitPatternGroup Pattern="*)" />
					<StateRef Key="MultiLineComment" />


What do i have to do to add a new State which marks me a single line starting with % and endig wit newline (\n)?

I tried it with this:

		  <State Id="5" Key="EmbeddedIso" DefaultClassificationTypeKey="Simulation">
		          <ExplicitPatternGroup Pattern="%" />
		          <ExplicitPatternGroup Pattern="\n" />
		      <StateRef Key="MultiLineComment" />
		      <StateRef Key="PrimaryString" />
		      <StateRef Key="EmbeddedIso" />

 and several variations. But im stuck now for two days :(

Thanks for any advice.

[Modified 7 years ago]

Comments (2)

Answer - Posted 7 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA


It looks like your end pattern is wrong.  You have an ExplicitPatternGroup which means it's going to look for the two character sequence "\n" instead of a line feed character.  You'd want to use a RegexPatternGroup instead or could do this:

<RegexPatternGroup Pattern="{LineTerminator}" />

[Modified 7 years ago]

Actipro Software Support

Posted 7 years ago by Housi

Thanks alot, your answer solved the Problem!

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 1 month ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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