Ok I am all upgraded to 17.1 now.
I tried to use the format suggested but it seems that I get the same behavior as if I types F1. The trailing zeros are there.
Here is the xaml I used:
<editors:DoubleEditBox Minimum ="3" Maximum="400" CommitTriggers="Default" SmallChange=".1"
Format="#0.0#" Width="80" Height="20" />
<!--LargeChange="" WHAT??
Can you help me correct the format please? I am not really understanding how to craete a custom one.
Due to upgrade I now have 2 more issues:
Reaching the Minimum or Maximum in the spinner no longer grays out the arrows up or down (this can be seen even in the samples.
This was the previuos behavior and a good one to keep. How do I get it back?
Finally, typing a value say, lower of the minimum will cause the spinner to go to its minimum value
instaed of going back to its previous or last good value. This, again, can be see in the sample as well and was a problem present
in the previous versions as well (set min= -3, set max=12, type 5 Enter, type 2 enter and the spinner goes to 3 instead of 5.
However previously I was able to fix its behavior by overriding the OnValueCHanging method, but this method no longer exists.
Below if the code I used in the past:
protected override void OnValueChanging(PropertyChangingRoutedEventArgs<double?> e)
if (_maskedBox != null && Minimum.HasValue && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_maskedBox.Text))
double textAsDouble;
double.TryParse(_maskedBox.Text, out textAsDouble);
if (textAsDouble < Minimum)
e.Cancel = true;
How can I fix the problem in this version?