How do I keep the BrushPicker open and other issues

Editors for WPF Forum

Posted 7 years ago by Moondance
Version: 17.1.0652

I upgrade to 17.1 recently and I have a hard time getting the brushpicker to work.

I will start with the first issue:

My brushPicker needs to appear in a tab control, in the second tab to be precise. And it needs to let the user click several times on it to make sure that the selected color is the one wanted. But at the first click the picker closes. This does not happen with the BrushEditBox but that control comes with its own dropdown which we do not want.


I have the xaml here for a test app:

<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<ribbon:SplitButton Width="200" Label="BrushPickerTest">
<TabItem Header="Tab1"></TabItem>
<TabItem Header="ColorPickerTab">
<editors:BrushPicker IsGradientAllowed="True" IsNullAllowed="False"></editors:BrushPicker>
<TabItem Header="Tab3"></TabItem>
<ribbon:SplitButton Width="200" Label="BrushEditBoxTest">
<TabItem Header="Tab1"></TabItem>
<TabItem Header="ColorPickerTab">
<editors:BrushEditBox IsGradientAllowed="True" IsNullAllowed="False" ></editors:BrushEditBox>
<TabItem Header="Tab3"></TabItem>


How can I keep the BrushPicker opne until the user clicks ouside of the control

I used to be able to do that.


Comments (5)

Posted 7 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA


The circular gripper seems to be releasing all pointer captures, which is inadvertently triggering the popup to close.  I believe we have a code update in place now for the upcoming 2017.2 version that will fix this problem.  If you'd like to help beta test it prior to official release, please write our support address and we can send you a preview build.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 7 years ago by Moondance

 When is 2017.2 scheduled to release?

I also found other issues: The spinner no longer disable the arrows when they reach their constraints.

Posted 7 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

We are aiming to possibly release 2017.2 next week.

We looked into the spinner buttons disabling for a while and unfortunately, due to the infrastructure of the controls, that would be a lot harder than you'd expect to implement.  If it was just DoubleEditBox, it might not be too difficult, but the part-based infrastructure for things like Rect support (where you have multiple Double parts) make things very complex.  And we have over 15 edit box controls, each with potentially multiple spinnable parts  I'm not sure anything related to that will be in this release.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 7 years ago by Moondance

I am glad to hear the release is so soon. We were hoping for a month or two so this is really good news. And I am happy there is going to be a fix for the BrushPicker not stay open.

For the spinner issue, it is quite a setback. It would be good if you guys could at teast provide a work around. Our customers are used to that and frankly it is very desirable and came to be percieved as expected.

Posted 7 years ago by Moondance

I think there is a bug in the brushPicker regarding gradients. I have sample that reproduce it

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 26 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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