We recently upgraded to the new editors. Where do I find documentation for working with DoubleEditBox formats?
We recently upgraded to the new editors. Where do I find documentation for working with DoubleEditBox formats?
I found the document but it doesn't answer my question.
I'm trying to set DoubleEditBox.Format so it shows both a thousands separator, i.e., "N2" and units, i.e., "0.##' inches'". "N2' inches'" doesn't work.
Hi John,
As you saw, number formats are described in the "Editors / Edit Boxes / DoubleEditBox" topic in the documentation that comes with the product. The main sample for DoubleEditBox also shows off a number of formats. They basically use the standard .NET number format syntax.
If you use a custom format, you can't combine a standard one like "N2" with unit text. You'd have to do something like this with custom format strings instead, which appears to work in the latest version:
<editors:DoubleEditBox MinWidth="150" Format="0.##' inches'" />
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